All the faces looked at Patton impersonally, as if waiting forhim to join them. George S. Patton as a lieutenant general Patton's Speech to the Third Army, alternatively known simply as "Patton's Speech" or "The Speech", was a series of speeches given by General George S. Patton to troops of the United States Third Army in 1944, prior to the Normandy Landings. 1941 April 4 Patton was promoted to the temporary rank of major general. October 2 Patton was relieved for statements made to the press about former Nazi Party members. But he was nevertheless punctilious about gentlemanly conduct. A man must be alert at all times if he expects to stayalive. He announced that the Third Army would shortly capture its 230,000th prisoner of war. Patton was carried off to an ambulance. The cards and Training Letter No. . There were other faces and differentuniforms, dimmer in the distance, but with the same familyresemblance. . As he searched through his prayer books, ONeill could find no formal prayers pertaining to weather, so he composed an original prayer which he typed on a three-by-five-inch card: Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. The final stage of World War II in the European Theatre commenced with the Western Allied invasion of Germany. The General rose, came from behind his desk with hand out-stretched and said, Chaplain, youre the most popular man in this Headquarters. May 14 Patton led soldiers who engaged Pancho Villas bodyguard and others at Rubio Ranch. Patton decried this national mood and the dismantling of the army in a letter to his sister dated October 18, 1919: The United States in general and the army in particular is in a hell of a mess and there seems to be no end to it . Eisenhower prepared to leak a story that General Patton had lost his commandbecause of displeasure at some of his indiscretions and thatthe main invasion of the continent was delayed by bad weather. . 1953 September 30 Pattons widow, Beatrice, died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm while horseback riding at Hamilton, Massachusetts. that they should attack by surprise and mass . . Patton came form a long line of soldiers. This was not just any battle, but a winner takes all. Some men are cowards but theyfight the same as the brave men or they get the hellslammed out of them watching other men fight who arejust as scared as they are. The soldier who cracks up does not need sympathy or comfort as much as he needs strength. In his new book George S. Patton: Blood, Guts, and Prayer, author Michael Keane takes readers on a journey through Patton's career in three parts: his military prowess, his inspirational. Outside, the Chaplain said, Whew, thats a tough one! Lying in a bomb crater, surrounded by the horrors of war, Pattonwas overwhelmed by a deep feeling of warmth and peace, comfortand love. Of course we are willing to die but that is not enough. I pray that I will fall forward when I am shot. He came from Israels smallest tribe. Both chaplains and men are removed from a special building with a steeple. The knights also had to take four vowsPoverty, Chastity, Humility, and Obedience. 18971903 Patton attended Stephen Cutter Clarks Classical School for Boys, Pasadena, California. That is fearless and untiring in doing our duty as we see it.Patton concluded with a list of recommendations for good behavior and decorum, essentially acting as Colonel Manners. . The only place where this crowding does not exist is on the airfields. We must march together, all out for God. George S. Patton (November 11, 1885-December 21, 1945) was an American Army general noted for winning battles in World Wars I and II. Patton headed backout into the enemy fire, certain of meeting death. For the first twelve years of his life, Patton was educated at home. 1920 June 20 Patton reverted to the permanent rank of captain. In my opinion it is a fake, since the pommel is not of the correct shape, nor has it sufficient weight. It's just about him. The two men bonded over their shared military enthusiasm and love of strategy. 1904 June 16 Patton entered U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York. And dontgive the enemy time to dig one either. . . . People must try to use their imagination and whenorders fail to come, must act on their own best judgment. The General Patton I saw there was the Army Commander to whom the welfare of the men under him was a matter of personal responsibility. Patton would swiftly communicate his displeasure at ser-mons that dwelt on death or families whose sons would never return home. opening. Men, all this stuff you hear about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of bullshit. 1934 March 1 Patton was promoted to the permanent rank of lieutenant colonel. . It was not a terrible thing,he thought. Peace was another matter. 1915 February 28 Pattons second child, Ruth Ellen Patton Totten, was born. But he was only as good as the company in which he fought. The Germans were fed information that when the bridgehead was establishedby six Allied assault divisions, a huge force of fifty divisionswould exploit the opening. So dont make any announcementwell keep it a secret until we see how it goes.. . Perhaps most famous for his commanding of the 7th Army during World War II, Old "Blood and Guts" often gave rousing speeches to motivate, inspire, and educate his soldiers. The termination of fighting in Europe does not remove the oppor-tunities for other outstanding and equally difficult achievements in the days which are to come. Hands lifted up, said Bossuet, smash more battalions than hands that strike. Gideon of Bible fame was least in his fathers house. Remember that theenemy is just as frightened as you are, and probablymore so. 1938 July 1 Patton was promoted to the permanent rank of colonel. Pattons efficiency as a tank commander won him promotion to lieutenant colonel, but he worried the war would end before he had a chance to lead his tankers in combat. A heavy ivory-handled revolver rested in a shoulder holsterdraped under his left arm. July 25 Spent time in Beverly, Massachusetts hospital with a broken leg. 'Old Blood and Guts', General Patton. Having previously been denied permission to photograph the face of the 200,000th prisoner (the Geneva Convention required that a prisoner be protected against acts of public curiosity), Patton announced that this time we will take a picture of his ass. (A week later their POW capture would top 300,000. It is a magnificent experience wherein all the elements that have made man superior to the beasts are present: courage, self-sacrifice, loyalty, help to others, devotion to duty. On September 26, at 10 oclock, Patton and his men had advanced to a crossroads on the southern edge of Cheppy. He also faced uncertainty about his career in peacetime. Were not just going to shoot the sons of bitches, weregoing to rip out their living goddamned guts and usethem to grease the treads of our tanks. His active military duty lasted from 1909 to 1945. . His new commander in the Tank Corps, as of December 1917, would be Colonel Samuel D. Rockenbach, a VMI graduate with an aristocratic wife, a taskmasterly way with subordinates, and the massive responsibility of creating the Tank Corps from scratch, including acquiring tanks from the French and the British. Pray with others. Prior to World War II, Patton was posted to Fort Myer in Virginia, near Washington, D.C. A regular churchgoer, he summoned thechaplain and bluntly told him that his sermons were too long. I wish, said Patton, you would put out a Training Letter on this subject of Prayer to all the chaplains; write about nothing else, just the importance of prayer. In some ways the immediate future will demand of you more fortitude than has the past because, without the inspiration of combat, you must maintainby your dress, deportment, and efficiencynot only the prestige of the Third Army but also the honor of the United States. But there are so few Krauts around there they dont know it yet. He liked the men, considered his commanding officer a true gentleman, but had doubts about some of the other officers, especially those who had come up from the ranks. He valued these machines, ordering that no U.S. be surrendered. The encounter seemed to confirm Hitlers contempt for the battle-worthiness of American soldiers. Blood, Guts, and Grease, to capture the younger, less known company and field grade officer before his daring exploits as a general officer in World . Let the Germans do that. She also read to him from John Bunyans Christian allegory, The Pilgrims Progress. His voice was actually ratherhigh, certainly not the gravelly bass of George C. Scott in the Hollywoodmovie Patton. . Pestilence and famine have not touched us. But Patton would have none of this. Patton made the same point a few years later, after the invasion of Sicily: I had all the non-Catholic chaplains in the other day and gave them hell for having uninteresting services. . Americans despise cowards. 1916 March 13 Patton detached from 8th Cavalry and attached to headquarters, Punitive Expedition, Mexico. You won them; I as your representative wear them. Duty is the essence of manhood. We had about 486 chaplains in the Third Army at that time, representing 32 denominations. Let me see it before you send it. Patton's Speech to the Third Army was a series of speeches given by General George S. Patton to troops of the United States Third Army in 1944, prior to the Allied invasion of France. We drove all day long, from one outfit to the other. I should be both ungrateful and wanting in candor if I failed to acknowledge the debt we owe to our Chiefs of Staff, Generals Gaffey and Gay, and to the officers and men of the General and Special Staff Sections of Army Headquarters. 62 of 70 found this interesting | Share this Death must not be feared. Patton seemed to understand instinctively that the faces werebeckoning him to his destiny. Thirty years from now, when youare sitting around the fireside with your grandson onyour knee and he asks what you did in the great WorldWar II, you wont have to say, I shoveled shit in Louisiana.. But as a devout Christianwhatever the profanity in his speeches suggested otherwisehe couldnt help but be moved by walking in the footsteps ofJesus. Why, by God, Iactually pity those poor sons of bitches were going upagainst. Chaplain, how much praying is being done in the Third Army? inquired the general. Once the Third Army had become operational, my mode of contact with the chaplains had been chiefly through Training Letters issued from time to time to the Chaplains in the four corps and the 22 to 26 divisions comprising the Third Army. He staggeredforward a few steps before collapsing. At twenty-nine, he was not yet a first lieutenant. When armyand navy personnel rushed up to see him, Patton stood and delivered a short impromptu speech: Im proud to be here to fight beside you. General Patton again called me to his office. Winning converts was not easy, but Patton and Eisenhower were zealots. When war erupted in France in 1914, Patton wanted to take up the sword in earnest, fighting in the French army. Americans will not tolerate aloser. Two days later, the U.S. armies in Europe were engaged in the greatest battle ever fought by American forces. Were going tomurder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel-f***ingbasket. Napoleons defeat confirmed Emperor Nicholas Is dictum that Russia has two generals in which she can confide: Generals January and February. immensely huge American flag, delivers his version of Patton's "Speech to. Her fundamental text-book was the Bible. In 1910, he was married to Beatrice Ayer, a family friend he had long courted. . He speaks and reads in script nine languages, so he is perfectly capable of translating the valuable collection of manuscripts in the library. We are not trying to make the best of these days. I told them the attack would go on. George Smith Patton Jr was born on the 11 th November, 1885, into a family with a long record of military service. That ONeill sure did some potent praying. Then if I make good and the T. do and the war lasts I will get the first regiment. . Patton was told that the attack could take place any time after November 5, and that aerial bombardment would be available before-hand. As one soldierrecalled: I am positive the Patton image was born on the first day hespoke in that bowl. We straight-arm, and go around, anddodge, and go around . Seventh Armyin theMediterraneanandEuropean theaters of World War II. . General George S. Patton, the famous war-time leader, died not from wounds in battle but rather from a car accident. The shortest way home isthrough Berlin and Tokyo. Yes, every man is scared in his first battle. You mean across the Rhine? Sure am, Patton replied, I sneaked a division over last night. Shoot them in the guts. Few would have predicted that Eisenhower would become the most brilliant star of the West Point class of 1915the class the stars fell on.. We have never retreated; we have suffered no defeats, no famine, no epidemics. 1928 October 6 Pattons mother, Ruth Wilson Patton, died. We were lucky in Africa, in Sicily, and in Italy. 1946 March 19 Pattons remains were moved to a different gravesite within the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm, Luxembourg. In total, 3,200 copies were distributed over ONeills signature to every unit in the Third Army. . . This is the full text of the speech Gen. Patton made prior to D-Day. . But the time is now to intensify our faith in prayer, not alone with ourselves, but with every believing man, Protestant, Catholic, Jew, or Christian in the ranks of the Third United States Army. . Brave, undisciplinedmen have no chance against the discipline andvalor of other men. . March 31 Reached Hawaii and was assigned to the G-1 and G-2 Hawaiian Division. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for . One of the prisoners is Pattons son-in-law, John K. Waters. Thetrouser legs were skinny and shoved into his black, laced-up fieldboots. November 14 Discharged from the hospital, sick in quarters. Suddenly desperation and fear stripped away Pattonsveneer of bravado, and he began to shake with terror. All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters,either. He wrote to his wife Beatrice on July 10, 1944, Sunday Iwent to a field mass. In many ways Patton and Eisenhower were strikingly different. He immediately became calm, shakingoff his tremors of fear. The publicity was not for meGod knows Ive got enoughI could go to heaven and St. Peter would recognize me right awaybut it is for the officers and the men. Patton then complained that the Marines go to town by reporting the number [of their men] killed, I always try to fight without getting [our] people killed.. All day the 9th of July 1943, there was a storm but it cleared at dark. . As he charged forward,Patton eerily saw himself as a small, detached figure on the battlefield,watched all the time from a cloud by his Confederate kinsmen and hisVirginia grandfather. Unsurprisingly, he didnt stay at his command post but roamed the field under fire, directing attacks; his tankers did well and showed plenty of fighting spirit. In 1922 the United States military ranked seventeenth in size among nations with a standing army. Visit our more popular pages if you would like to learn more about one of the most important generalsin U.S. military history. December 20 Weather in the Ardennes cleared. . He wrote to his wife from his hospital bed on 12 October 1918, saying, Peace looks possible, but I rather hope not for I would like to have a few more fights. That is not the way to win battles. The best is the enemy of the good was one of his favorite maxims. . I was shotin the behind in World War I! He was dying, but he had nofear of death. Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. Patton's first action was to take control of North Africa and Morocco. To learn more,click here for our comprehensive guide to General Patton. This individual heroic stuff is pure horseshit. Both of us were students of current military doctrine. Sergeant Mims, his regular driver, was in the hospital, and a substitute was at the wheel. I do not want to be hit there again. But we must urge, instruct, and indoctrinate every fighting man to pray as well as fight. But they also shared an intricate web of relationships going back decades. Patton next prepared for the breakthrough to the River Rhine, a formidable natural obstacle to the invasion of Germany by the Allies. Trusted by his troops and feared by the enemy, General George Patton was one of America's most dynamic--and controversial--war commanders. As he lay bleeding in a bomb crater, Patton ordered Angelo toreturn to the tanks and point out the location of the machine gunnests. On December 9, 1945, Patton was returning from a pheasant hunt with his chief of staff, Major General Hobart Hap Gay. I want a prayer.. I am sure it will succeed. He formulated his own views in articles, including his conclusion that Tanks are not motorized cavalry; they are tanks, a new auxiliary arm whose purpose is ever and always to facilitate the advance of the master arm, the Infantry, on the field of battle.Before the next great war he amended that view, recognizing that tanks could be an offensive force of their own. But it was not just a speech, it was a performance. . Douglas MacArthur had a spirit of intense determination. General Patton knew his entrance into German-occupied territory was of monumental historical importance. Pray by night and pray by day. Everyone offered congratulations and thanks and we got back to the business of killing Germanswith clear weather for battle. Patton personally oversaw the logistics of the tanks in their first combat use by American forces. . At the end of the speech he said, Iam taking this division into Berlin and when I do, I wantevery one of your tracks to be carrying the stench of Germanblood and guts.. The jacket was waist length with brass buttons upthe right side in the style of an old Confederate officers uniform. . I do not want to be hitthere again. personality earned him the nickname Old Blood and Guts and he was renowned for his quick-temper. In 1941, on the day the menof the Second Armored Division completed their orientation at FortBenning, Patton appeared wearing a new uniform, which, characteristically,he had designed himself. Even if you arehit, you can still fight back. Another codex which was interesting was one of the original printings of the Bible, using wood type. Audio mp3 of Address delivered by George C. Scott. General George Patton addressed the US Third Army on June 5th, 1944, on the eve of the allied invasion of France, code named "Overlord". The author stated that General Patton . Two weeks later, one of the most severe storms ever to strike Normandy sank or disabled a number of Allied ships and wiped out the American Mulberry artificial harbor off Omaha Beach. With every good wish to each of you for a very Happy Christmas, and my personal congratulations for your splendid and courageous work since landing on the beach. March 30 Patton was promoted to the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel. He followed his tanks into combat, even helping to dig a path for them through two trenches (and whacking a recalcitrant soldier over the head with a shovel). He sought topresent the striking image of a leader, an image that demanded attention and inspired his troops by its swagger. . The event reflected the actions that might be required of an officer delivering military dispatches. . The one honor which is mine and mine alone is that of having commanded such an incomparable group of Americans, the record of whose fortitude, audacity, and valor will endure as long as history lasts. A common GI saying about Patton was, "our blood, his guts." The general's low point came in August 1943 when he slapped two shell-shocked soldiers under his command for crying. The public Patton was brash, self-confident, and boastful. Patton of the harsh, compelling voice, the lurid vocabulary, the grim and indomitable spirit that . In this sense, prayer was no different from training, leadership, technology, or firepower. An armored divisionis that element of the team which carries out therunning plays. World War Two Timeline From The Great War To Germanys Surrender. Most of the mountain was cut away during the Roman occupation, when they filled up the Tomb and erected a Temple of Venus over both the Mount and the Tomb. . We were taken through this by the librarian. It would be better to attack as soon as Bradley could provide him with supplies. . It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. After the Holy Land, General Patton headed to the Mediterranean island of Malta. It being near Christmas, we also asked General Patton to include a Christmas greeting to the troops on the same card with the prayer. Addresses the 3rd Army. General George S. Patton is one of the most famous American generals in history. One cannot read Pattons diaries, letters, speeches, and personal papers without being struck by the frequency with which he appeals to God and turns to the Bible for inspiration. There are three ways that men get what they want; by planning, by working, and by Praying. A break in the weather on June 6 allowed the amphibious assault on Normandy to proceed. He talked about Gideon in the Bible, said that men should pray no matter where they were, in church or out of it, that if they did not pray, sooner or later they would crack up. To all this I commented agreement, that one of the major training objectives of my office was to help soldiers recover and make their lives effective in this third realm, prayer. ARTICLES; FEATURED; May 29, 2015 Ivano Massari, Guest Author. One of his first acts as commanderhad been to build an amphitheater in the wooded hills of Fort Benningthat could accommodate the entire division. Patton delivered many speeches during the war and some of the soldiers who heard his words recounted them in the following years. General James Rusling, "Interview with President William McKinley," The Christian Advocate 22 January 1903, 17. God has His part, or margin, in everything. ww2dbase Warning: Foul language used by Patton in the speech had not been removed from this transcript, thus this text might not be suitable for everyone. 1918 January 26 Patton was promoted to the temporary rank of major. 20th Century Timeline Of World History: What Happened? . An Army is a team. 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