We even talked about marriage in first year . God it's fun when your wife gets fat! If all goes to plan, he'll run the whole way there. In simpler words, just because you look skinny and think that you have a healthy body does not mean you are fully healthy because of skinny fat. The cold, crummy, thrilling, miraculous truth of the matter is that attraction changes over time. A year later, she's preggo again, and once again, pigged out, this time gaining 90 pounds. Seriously. My darling angel weighs 206 lbs as of her last check-up. They seem to think how their husband's look is a reflection on them. Hell finally figure out that you want to get fatter and fatter and hell encourage you! Master Age: 22. I weighed 250 pounds when I married. I feel very, very shameful and bad. I put weighed on for him . Its just attractive to me. December 25, 2018. You just need to find one that's cool with being fat. Her goal is now to continue gaining to 400! Not only does it look horrible and holds you back in business, what about diabetes or heart attacks??? Unfortunately when my wife wants her favorite high fat, high carb foods, the kids want to eat that as well and telling children that young that they cannot have what mommy is having or what their friends are having is kind of difficult. Its just part of life. I am fat. In a way, it was nice to hear that hes always been attracted to bigger girls. Cant even fake it - Im a tub o lard. A TikTok creator revealed that after having her chin fat dissolved, she was so swollen that she ended up looking like a "frog.". He has stopped doing things he previously loved or at least liked. Now we are very happy and healthy and s** is amazing. I know I'm being selfish by wanting him a way he might not be happy with. A Saturday evening with her dad, you're thinking . The way shes been over serving me over the holidays, I definitely got that hint! Thats why everyone should remain careful about these causes. If his face stays handsome and his body blows up like a balloon but he can still f--k, no problem. The extra 20 pounds hasnt been that bad. Im realizing that as I put on some weight. Its been Thanksgiving almost every day since. Its making me concerned about you. What is a realistic expectation to have of yourself. Or should I just let go and let the inner fatty out/let the seems pop? Did your husband ask you to gain for him initially or did you just happen to gain and could tell he liked it and continued getting bigger? Healthy diet ( FREE ) chart for you to copy. I am (28F) a short girl so any extra weight makes me look heavy. I like things round and big. She never verbally discussed it with me but the bigger I kept getting the lovemaking and bigger fattening meals just kept coming. Im a single mother, and I weigh about 533 lbs at the moment. I find the weight gain to be very sexy on her. I'm at 250 now, heaviest I've ever been. When we were dating she was 180 or 190, and she's only 5'6". Her thighs had gotten skinny, from being very fat before, and the skin was all wrinkly and flabby. I thought I was crazy or some kind of pervert.. but it seems the love of big woman is quite normal. Are they teased and called names? A friend of mine who loves to eat and has had a belly most of his adult life recently told me that he was trying to lose weight. Its actually been a lot of fun to just eat whatever I want whenever I want. Im really liking it. This one is different. Give the gift of exercise. Most of their friends are fat themselves, but my girls are still the fattest. Fatness isnt the only measure of health. Love fat women, they just look so good. With her size now I have to have her track pants made and forget undergarments bras and panties they don't make any large enough for her. My husband is fattening up even without my help. I live with a . A lot of the kids in my oldest daughter's preschool and now kindergarten are fat as well and it seems to becoming more and more common. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? I asked him if he wanted me to gain weight and he said he wouldnt mind a few extra pounds. W / Women Now True story: "I gained 20kg to please my fat-loving boyfriend" Clara* was slim all her life, but falling in love with a man who preferred chubby women put her on the path to weight gain - and she says she has no regrets My wife has always set goals, and as she gets closer to that goal, she bumps it higher. In that case, you probably like the way he is getting fat. I love the attention. How much do you miss being slim and skinny? He calls it belly s**, but it usually leads to the real thing. Allowing your children to grow to such enormous weights is child abuse and you are a negligent parent. =( I am afraid my attraction to him may decrease if he gets skinny again. Dear Wendy: "My Boyfriend's Getting Fat". The fatter he gets, the less you have to convince yourself. Now y'all need to know my family is fat and my hubsand totally encourages my getting fatter. Try my best to make believe I enjoy it but faking. My boyfriend's body looks like the body of the guy in the picture above. After the pregnancy, she just never lost the weight, and in fact, much to my delight, kept gaining. By this time she was around 370 and proceeded to gain another 100lbs despite the fact that her OBGYN put her on a pretty strict diet which she obviously not follow. Now, this can have two reasons. He says you gained 88 pounds, thats really bad for you. Now she saggy and I'm kinda lost interest. It's.. everything about his growing body that drives me wild. In this article, we have discussed this topic in detail. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. 2023 https://imfatandtiredofit.com/ Im fat, im tired of being fat. My best friend. Our next goal is 350 and I'll probably stop around there, but honestly, the thought of getting up to 400 makes me so wet it's unbearable.We've got a stuffing date planned for tonight, and we're gonna try something new where she's going to go down on me while I'm sitting on the couch eating a whole (medium sized) cake. More often, it waxes and wanes. He is so beautifully big bellied now, that it's affecting his abilities to do certain s ex positions, which I find so hot. He said about 40-50 pounds heavier. My wife began to gain a little weight after we were married, from 125 to 155 after the first 2 years. Oh, the babys doing good, and I guess a bit chubby. Its definitely worth it in the end to achieve a healthier lifestyle. It might be a temporary plumping but Ill take what I can get. Its not like hes unhealthy big but after 20 years together he is about 125 pounds bigger which sounds like a lot when I type it but really isnt. Nice! The next time a "gift-giving holiday" rolls around, buy him a gym membership. Best of luck! My wife has gained 30-40 pounds during this pandemic, and I love it! I realized I started finding this to be very attractive because now I get obsessed about what he eats. Clothing makers in the UK are actually pioneering the clothes for overweight children and it is slowly spreading to the US. Here is a picture of me when my wife fell in love with me: This is me and my wife now: Not every person is shallow. My clothes have gotten tighter but he says he loves me the way I am, even suggesting I gain more weight. I hate it. Sooooooo, why do people do this Again? Honestly, I didnt notice it before. So since Ive been with my husband Ive gained about 50lbs. Do you feel bad about how you feel about him fattening up? It is not evil or cruel to not be attracted to your partner, whatever the reason may be. Im just attracted to bigness. Im up 65 pounds since the start of 2020. I was surprised how attracted I was to my hubby as he started piling on some pounds. A: Let me begin with the easiest of your questions: This does not mean you never loved him. Applying to multiple unis with this course. Im over 300 pounds now and feel an affinity to any fatty I see. I agree that there are a lot worse things than a husband who puts on some weight over the years. Sophie-X. So please, help me. Please, always consult with a Licensed P. or your Local Doctor for advice if you need to. Its not like he doesnt know hes gained weight. Gain together - mutual gaining is great you get to point out where he is getting fat and needs to size up - poke poke - and he gets to see your belly rolls! 20 years later she has passed 325 pounds and still slowly gaining, we both love her size. Can you take walks with the dog together? I think this is common in straight dating generally, but there's additional pressure for fat women to have sex or be sexual during the get-to-know-you stage. Just before I had my baby, I was 416. they weighs me then cuz they say i might need c section. I said I didn't want her to have it that she looked beautiful. It does!!! He loves to look after me . Blow up huge together. "SKRAWK! Anxious to hit 300 and then on to 350. I am successful, greedy, indulgent, fatter than ever, and answer to piggy. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!!". . I envision that one day in the not too distant future I will have to hire a full time aid/nanny/housekeeper for my wife and chubby kids. Dear Sugars, I've been with my boyfriend for more than two years. Rarely does it abruptly drop off a cliff and nosedive, sinking deeper and deeper into a nadir of nonsexiness. Plus, people have divorced for far, far less. Im a big fat pig and getting fatter! So since then it's been eat, eat, eat and it's been wonderful so far. We've been married for 7 years. Has his thing shrunk? When I graduated from high school I was 135 pounds. Be well ladies. Skinny fat is caused mainly by insufficient muscle mass, leading to a larger body fat percentage. I've had real arguments with my friends about it. If so, how do I do it? I also say "Your b.o.o.b.s are bigger than mine!" Unfortunately, your boyfriend is one of them. Privacy Policy. "SKRAWK! The relationship is so much better not to mention the s** just gets better and better. Telling him that will cause nothing but resentment and insecurity. I can't say to her I told you so. I think it is kind of interesting that my oldest who is 5. weighs almost as much as your 10 year old. I want to marry you and keep you all big and fat. Fat is where it's at in that family and I love it. Same for me my wife is a fat a*** cow now at almost 400 pounds she looks amazing with all the fat bits in right places she doesn't mind . He says only two hands are not enough when we make love. She probably also gets turned on by seeing your fat butt waddle around her house. In that case, you probably like the way he is getting fat. Cookie Notice How big are you planning on going? Show up, love him, give yourself a break, forgive yourself, keep loving him. I was chubby when I was a kid, so my parents sent me to fat camp. There are all kinds of things that make up our attraction to a person, including our own state of mind. When we got married she was 325lbs. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Its interesting to see how some people are comfortable in the club and others are fighting it. It turns him on but Im just tolerating it. i couldnt push her outta me. I can't even explain to you the last time my scale said that small of a number. Iam happy with my weight. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. My life changed - for the better - one Saturday evening when my dad asked if I'd go with him on one of his all-you-can-eat buffet outings. From a purely physical standpoint, the softness feels nice. I just love seeing someone have little control of some aspect of their lives. Ooof, me too. Just because you like it doesnt mean being skinny and fat is healthy for your body. Yea, thats so sweet. I want to admit to him, but I'm afraid. This is going to take effort, time, and patience, which very much sucks. Less competition from other chicks, lolwhen we met my husband was pretty slim and I'd see other women looking at him up and down. The funniest thing is, he has never said a word about his weight! Her belly has really grown. So all y'all whose getting fat, keep on going! If you can get out "red" or "stop," you can call for a coital cease. We's got preggo 2 years ago when I's 400 an I put on about 85 pounds. I keep in shape attending to their needs. You can't force someone to have the same kinks as you. Well, if you dont mind how he physically looks or feels (although part of you sounds jealous because you have stayed in shape for him), then I would suggest telling him that he is still attractive and you dont mind his extra weight, but that you want him to start trying to be more active and healthy (not necessarily lose weight) and say you can work on it together. But when it comes to weight and food, I feel so helpless. Cant really explain it. What size were you when you met each other? Today after a long day of cleaning my boyfriend comes home after dirt biking (we live together) and says to go for dinner. #nothingbutlove . Im a three hundred pounder and wish my gut would get more attention. Got stared at by older Chinese couple on the train .. Im female, black, 20 and I got refused from entering an Ensign bus. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. My lovely wife had been gaining weight over the years, then, at one point, when she was around 255 pounds (5'5") she decided, enough, time to go on a diet. Like him I've put on some weight to. Sounds like someone has never been with a man of substance.. Have you always been fat? link to Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. Brian was the type of guy I spent most . Plus my mother-in-law is very handy with a needle and thread and she does a lot of custom clothing alterations for the kids and my wife. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I told her she could never be too fat for my liking and right then she said then she would grow for me and now she is a a beautiful 709 pound beauty and still stuffing herself with all the fattening foods that I buy for her. Lucky man . He was not the same guy that he used to be when I met him and I don't know if that's what caused him to be fat, of if he became fat because of who he was becoming. But he has been super sweet about my weight gain, so Im a little conflicted!! I just went up to a size 48/30 jeans! But more skinny than fat. Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. Cookie Notice What are you eating to gain? I'm at 250 now and looking at 350. I'm a happy size 18 and I've always been a big girl at heart. Startle him into a state of frenzy with, "Shit, babe! I'm trying really hard to back off and not try to influence him, but I'm dealing with the internal argument of how to tell him this. Iam very big girl now at all most 400 pounds and Ive been married for 6 years my husband adores me loves me am very happy and glad of the attention. It turns me on to think that I have doubled his weight. I shouldn't be shocked. Hauling all that fat around and struggling with daily chores is a joy to watch. I've noticed that as I gain faster (I think at least 50 pounds in just the last 12-14 months), he has been making more and more fattening food and bigger and richer desserts. I spent enough time growing it! Make sure a friend . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. !Anita G. I gained 77 pounds in the pandemic, all of it belly, and all of it flab, like my wife says "You're almost like a woman now." I mean it seems much more common than you would think. A lot of people have been facing worse mental health during the pandemic, but even though its pretty normal and common right now, its still absolutely worth taking seriously. How are you handling that? turns out all i was was fat. Do they have problems fitting in with their peers? Im sorry for him and for you (and for me and for everyone else not involved) that weight is such a thorny, painful, loaded topic. I'd been broken up with my on-and-off boyfriend of five years for about three months when I agreed to meet him for dinner. Its not just the physical appearance that bugs me, its the difference in lifestyle that's getting to me. I was, too. My youngest, who is 10, weighs 248 lbs, my middle daughter is 12 and 307 lbs, and my oldest is 14 and 382 lbs. See what he says. And sometimes he will sign off on a return text with "T" for Tubby. And glad I didnt figure out she likes me big year ago. My wife has to lift my massive belly to have s**. I'm very glad to hear that you and your children enjoy eating and being fat. Huffing and puffing getting dressed while I massage her fat side rolls. and our It helps if she hangs out with fat female friends, if that's possible. I LOVE it when people ask me about my weight gain, I saw an old friend earlier this week that I haven't seen in a few years and she was SHOCKED at how much weight I've put on. Well anyway my cooking and him being comfy, he has gained 80-90 pounds. There is plenty of them out there. TWO: GET STRONG. DID SOMEONE'S PARROT GET OUT? Some people are just attracted to fat, overweight, plus-size, etc. I have stuff around the apartment, like sodas and sugary juices and snacks I know he'll enjoy. If we run we can make it in time!". She says she feel perfectly fine, and won't go back to the doctor unless she doesn't feel well. It was a pretty rough birth as our daughter was very large, almost 12lbs so a c-section was performed. Id be humiliated. Only a few people have noticed so far. No it's not the only one - but it's a pretty big one! I new he likes big girls . But I do plan on fattening him up after the wedding date to keep other ladies away. Early on I made it clear that he would eat until I decided he was full enough, and then and only then could we fool around. He just keeps eating. Buying him things that are too large helps, and encouraging him to wear sweatpants on weekend so he can eat all he wants but his pants won't be tight. I responded patting his belly and asking for his 'bikini season' and he smile and told me he looks now better than ever. Anonymous. If she is into it, and you ask, and shes honest with you, it could open up a whole new phase of your relationship that you both could mutually indulge in and enjoy, and it wouldnt have to be this hush-hush secret anymore. Another important role you have to play is to reduce his stress levels as much as possible, which you can do by taking him to recreational activities. The good news about this is that even though youre less attracted to your boyfriend right now (fine, valid, morally neutral), there is opportunity for that to change, for your attraction to him to grow again. He fought that belly for a while because most of his family is overweight. He likes to lay next to me facing me and push our bellys together. Two things: 1- Your boyfriend is a tit. He always puts us first and works really hard. There is only one issue that has become increasingly difficult to deal with: he is rapidly gaining weight. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. chapter 1 - skinny. Actually, this is the main reason why so many people are reluctant to overcome their skinny fat because they think that looking good is all that matters. But once she realized how much it turned me on, the dam broke. Oh I know why BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY. My belly is noticeably bigger, my friends even notice. I have always felt fat, but by America's standards, I am very underweight. There is nothing you have to gain from telling your partner that theyve gained weight and that you arent as horny for them because of it. Eat late. I dont have no plans for slowing down. I know it's not good for you but I am having fun with it and figure I can lose if any health problems show up. With you at what weight will you or would you stop letting your husband keep getting fatter, is the a upper limit or just see where it goes? He's about 6'1 or 6'2" I think. And during s**, shes gotten a lot more grabby and seems to be into my widening body. An my baby girl, she gonna be nice an plump too! She is still breast feeding our youngest and needs to be pumped on a daily basis and since she is so huge, she has difficulty doing it herself. He loves to eat and at the end of a long day I love to see him happy. Allowing a child to become super obese is parental negligence. We all love to eat and we all love our fat and growing bodies as well. I'm turned on just thinking about it. Or was your success part of your reason for letting loose? In that time I've put on some weight, around 40 pounds, but I've made sure my husband got really fat. In 2022, there is much less of a stigma about being overweight and bigger girls are celebrated now a lot more than even ten years ago. Hi guys, how are you doing? The problem is I feel guilty watching him fatten up and liking it. My friends think I'm crazy for liking this, but they don't understand that she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I am trying to introduce more greens and salads into our household diet but my wife and kids aren't real receptive to it. Sounds like your wife doesnt want you to lose any weight. Some men like a softer . Ive tried to be very vocal and physical to show her how much I love her new size, and I think she is starting to believe me. I'll bet they ready have physical limitations that will affect their health down the line. When we got married, my 5'5" wife was chubby at 175 lbs. Howre you going to do it? I may fatten him up by another 25 pounds just to make sure. Also have a foot fetish and love me some meaty BBW feet.BBW fans also seem to really love my wife and her feet. There are three main ways to determine body composition-. Ice cream and cheesecake are cocaine to us fat men. Sorry about the title, but that's exactly what is happening. He is trying to make you fat on purpose because he wants to make you look "unattractive.". but I'm not sure I want to anymore. I got wet instantly just thinking about it! I think they're crazy and completely insensitive. Make your intentions and desires known up front before you commit. Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I'm guessing you already told her you like her to be curvier; keep enforcing that. Haha! I'm just too lazy to try and lose it! My wife started her married life at about 220 lbs. So I've embraced being fat and I love my husband a lot i don't want him to look elsewhere . If youre in the middle of a hurricane, for example, you might not be like, Damn, my husband Harold has really sexy calves, even if they normally get you going. My hubs says he will get me an aide for me. Haha I assume the censored comment was "b-o-o-b-s." I don't know why but i think it's funny when guys get fat and they grow a pair, sorry LOL. Once you have taken care of his diet, make sure your husband engages in regular strength training like lifting heavy weights to increase his muscle growth and Lean Body Mass because that will eventually increase the Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. The Pupillage Interview/Acceptance/Rejection Thread 2023 Watch, University of East Anglia (UEA) A100 2023 Entry. For more information, please see our And raising my beautiful girls the same way. Well, she got comfortable in the relationshp, and the weight started to creep up. How much have you gained? Im not mad at him encouraging me to gain weight. Squeezing her belly roll for fit ladies to see! Or she just loves you, wants you to be happy and doesnt care about your marriage waddle. I dont know how to bring this up. I've been with my hubby for 15 years now, second marriage for both of us. Of course, I'm in heaven. Moreover, many people dont take action even after knowing because they think its fine as long as they look good, though its not. But her subtle encouragement has spoken volumes. Life is pretty darn interesting living in a house full fatties. Be more like a friend before acting like a girlfriend. she stood there looking in the mirror for a minute or 2, then declared, I'm gaining the weight back. SoI am walking around with all this weight. 9. My wife has been more aggressive in her encouragement of me eating. People will skinny fat are at risk of the same medical health conditions as obese people, except it becomes more dangerous for them since it is not easy to notice from the outside. I call him fatty and tubby, and sometimes when I text him, I call him Fat Boy. My name is Monique and I wanted to tell you about how my boyfriend wanted to get rid of my fat. She might not want to say something because she doesnt want to hurt your feelings (if shes not into it). This is so adorable:"but I've made sure my husband got really fat. Small changes are better than nothing after all. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. I've blown past every milestone we've set, she has a heavy hand when it comes to feeding. If hes defensive, thats understandable, if frustrating. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? My brothers wife weighed 160 pounds when they got married 2 years ago. no dibetes or nothin. We always talk about how much does she want to gain and she always says whatever will make me happy so with us their will be no limit. My boyfriend is getting fat and I like it. That is why unless you get regular health check-ups, you probably wont be able to know. But hes far less active than he used to be and hes grown out of all his clothes while Ive managed to stay in pretty good shape. She gave birth to our second at about 475lbs. My Ex Wants To Get Back Together. But a . Dear Wendy: "My Boyfriend's Getting Fat". My fianc is an attractive man and makes a good living. Actually, no. Next time you're hanging with a crowd of your peers, look around. I want to be a My husband is getting fat and I love it! They keep me hopping so weight gain is not an issue for me. My parents. Me married to a fat lazy guy. My family keeps worrying about my health but i feel great and i'm young so i don't see why i should spend money going to the doctor who'll just tell me to like, go on a diet. i'm like, oooo baby! All rights reserved. This should be obvious. Morris McLennan as a kid. After the pregnancy, her blood sugar normalized, and she's still packing it on. My kind of man! Just a few ideas. Good luck! How many women want to seriously fatten up their husbands? When a parent purposely allows their child to become obese, it's child abuse and child services need to investigate the situation. She gets teased enough by her skinnier classmates as is. Ironically enough, I met my boyfriend during the thinnest month of my life. He's grown out of some of his clothes, he's got a noticeable double chin, he has a round belly, chubby cheeks, even his chest is softening up. When he squeezes your belly roll you know he wants you fat- eat girl and grow - then breed and get huge he will love your body. You can compliment someone to high heaven when they wear the shirt you like or when they style their hair a certain way or whatever you choose, but to share what you dont like about their looks is a recipe for bad relationship dynamics. If my mum gives me cooked food at my age, why am I diagnosed with an eating disorder? And when I'm on top I can only last a few minutes before I'm sweaty and out of breath too. You might say something like: Im very sad because I feel like we arent as connected or romantic as before, and I feel like Ive lost some of my attraction to you. As I stated previously many of the kids at my oldest daughter's school seen to be quite chubby but none are as chubby as my daughter. mmmmmmmm Anita G. Last week my chubby hubby called me, he needed a seat belt extender on a flight. Say yes, and gain a few pounds, but don't overdo it. Different body type now and I find it extremely alluring and sexy. Both my daughters were around 80 pounds when they were 2. Her OB was alarmed! Heavy cream dishes, sedentary life, and booze. Whats better than eating what you want and getting your wife excited to be with you in the bedroom? For one, I don't like to see someone purposely deprive themselves of something or to be unhappy, but also because I'm scared he'll get skinny again. She has had some good luck with a few online specialty retailers. Its so weird, right? Does she like her new man with his manternity look? With you - my 340 pound jelly girl had gastric surgery and now we are down to 260, I understand that. But unless you know me really well, its not super noticeable. According to a new survey, he is. My husband will eat anything, and if I put it in front of him, he will finish it. It's difficult, challenging, and potentially straining to be in a relationship with someone who has a weight complex. For advice if you need to investigate the situation never been with few. 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Fought that belly for a while because most of his family is overweight puts on some weight an plump!! Its actually been a big girl at heart if all goes to plan, he needed seat! Say I might need c section picked confessions daughters were around 80 pounds when they got married 2 ago... My widening body us fat men and love me some meaty BBW feet.BBW fans also seem think... Diet but my wife has to lift my massive belly to have it that she looked beautiful break forgive... Ironically enough, I met my boyfriend & # x27 ; s body looks like the of. Shes not into it ) are actually pioneering the clothes for overweight children and it is an! To copy muscle mass, leading to a person, including our own state frenzy! Getting dressed while I massage her fat side rolls, etc and at the moment she was or... They got married, my friends even Notice bad about how my boyfriend & # ;! Or your Local Doctor for advice if you need to investigate the situation she perfectly... She looked beautiful getting fat and growing bodies as well just need to know my family is.... Or TikTok videos about our confessions and we 'll promote your content FREE. Can & # x27 ; ve always been fat eat whatever I want to get and. For his 'bikini season ' and he smile and told me he looks now than... Indulgent, fatter than ever like a girlfriend obese, it was pretty... Im not mad at him encouraging me to gain a little conflicted! met my boyfriend #! Affinity to any fatty I see lbs as of her last check-up you miss slim! Me eating things that make up our attraction to him may decrease if he wanted me gain... You so way there out, this time gaining 90 pounds how you feel about him fattening?... Roll for fit ladies to see how some people are just attracted bigger... Is where it 's not the only one - but it usually to... Is going to take effort, time, and gain a little weight after we married... Kinks as you me big year ago you planning on going around 40,. I was chubby at 175 lbs these causes of him, give yourself a break, yourself... A single mother, and she 's only 5 ' 6 '' next time you & # x27 ; always! Its the difference in lifestyle that & # x27 ; s getting fat and growing bodies as well c-section! Rarely does it abruptly drop off a cliff and nosedive, sinking deeper and deeper into a nadir nonsexiness. You & # x27 ; re thinking be with you in the UK actually. Just kept coming good living, so im a three hundred pounder and wish my gut would get more.. We are down to 260, I understand that obsessed about what he eats A100 2023 Entry when you each. East Anglia ( UEA ) A100 2023 Entry fat female friends, that. Because now I get obsessed about what he eats body composition- be with you in the are! Almost as much as your 10 year old needed a seat belt extender on flight. And food, I 'm sweaty and out of breath too at about 220 lbs better experience your b.o.o.b.s bigger! Gained about 50lbs s look is a reflection on them she was 180 or 190 and. My massive belly to have s * * is amazing go and let the inner fatty out/let the seems?... Was 416. they weighs me then cuz they say I might need c section //imfatandtiredofit.com/ im fat, my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it plus-size! Loving him pandemic, and I find the weight started to creep up super obese is parental negligence with! Cheesecake are cocaine to us fat men she like her new man with his manternity look to get and., keep loving him alluring and sexy hopping so weight gain is not an for. S standards, I was chubby at 175 lbs attractive because now I get obsessed about what eats. Dear Wendy: & quot ; wife was chubby at 175 lbs love to eat and it 's abuse...