[141] Pugh was to later testify that he and Bonin lured Turner into Bonin's van with an offer of $20 for sex. Bonin also shares his nickname with two other killers, who were believed to be a single serial killer. Butts would later claim he and his girlfriend had also been threatened by Bonin, who had threatened both with death if he did not continue to participate in the murders. In response, he drove the van onto the sidewalk in an attempt to strike the victim. [71] Offering to take him home, the youth attempted to flee the vehicle in response to Bonin's repeated questions regarding homosexuality. [273] Later that night, Bonin hinted to Munro already fearful for his life[275] that he stay quiet regarding Wells' murder or else face potential death. [315] In his testimony, delivered on December 14 and 15, Lpez stated Bonin had first informed him he would refuse to talk with any other reporter if Lpez would agree not to broadcast the precise details of the interview. Inside the glove box, investigators also discovered a scrapbook of newspaper clippings related to the murders.[288]. [244][245] Prior to disposing of Wood's body, Bonin allegedly drove to a scheduled job interview before eating pizza as he awaited the onset of dusk to safely discard the corpse. [63] Despite this, he is known to have risked his own life on one occasion while under enemy fire to save the life of a wounded fellow airman. [272], Bonin then retreated to the kitchen for water, informing Munro they were to both kill Wells[166] before gagging and beating Wells in the hallway, stating, "You're going to do what I tell you to do" as Wells pled for his life. 1995)", "Defense Still Fighting as 'Freeway Killer' Awaits Death", "Boys' Killer Led a Twisted, Tortured Life", "Bonin v. Vasquez, 807 F. Supp. A statement was issued on his social media accounts, saying he "died peacefully . Los Angeles, CAA major historical biography about serial killer Bill Bonin, aka The Freeway Killer, is now on sale in Kindle and Nook formats for 99 Cents thru March 31. [265], Inside Bonin's van, investigators discovered numerous artifacts attesting to his culpability in the Freeway Killer murders. [97] Switching his job for employment as a truck driver at a Montebello delivery firm named Dependable Drive-Away in December 1974, his employment was terminated in February 1975 for wrecking a trailer. During that entire time, he reported in an interview, he only felt grass under his feet just five times. [151] Butts claimed his participation in the murders was typically limited to restraining the victims, although he admitted to mutilating one victim with a wire coat hanger. [60], Closing arguments lasted from December 16 to 22, 1981. [339], During the six-week trial, Bonin's attorneys called two witnesses in his defense one of whom was Munro, who conceded Bonin had communicated with him prior to his testifying in this second trial, requesting he lie when called to deliver his testimony. And like many monsters of old balance, his singular hunger was the innocent, more specifically, adolescent boys. [38][42][n 2] Following Bonin's release from the detention home, he began sexually fondling his younger brother. So I regret that I didn't get to go out and get the instruction, and pursue that. [19][17], Frequently arguing with his wife who obtained a job at a local thread mill to supplement for his gambling habit over finances, Bonin's father lost their home in Andover, Connecticut, in a high stakes poker game in January 1950, forcing the family to reside with Bonin's maternal grandmother in Willimantic and continuing to spend his money each night by gambling and drinking at local bars. [16][17] Often moody and bedridden,[18] Bonin's mother seldom cooked meals for the family. This spokesperson added that five further murder charges would likely be filed against the men in Orange County in due course. [12][13] In contrast, his mother was an overbearing, co-dependent and passive woman who suffered from wild mood swings[12][14] and who spent much of her free time at The French Club,[15] a local bingo parlor as her sons remained unattended at home. - Bonin, describing the murder of Darin Lee Kendrick. Kid's going to this kid's going to die. [37], Furthermore, from their early childhood to 1957, Bonin and his brothers were frequently placed in the care of their maternal grandfather, a child molester who had sexually abused Bonin's mother until her adulthood, and whom Bonin's mother suspected of molesting his grandsons[31] during the prolonged instances they were under his care. Pugh later stated he panicked and stuttered upon hearing this question and, after sitting in silence for several minutes, attempted to leave the vehicle once Bonin had slowed the van at a stoplight. [109] Fraser considered Bonin a respectful, polite and placid individual to whom he frequently introduced his young male acquaintances,[13] with the two also exchanging stories of their homosexual exploits and penchant for sex with teenage boys. No clothing or other identifying evidence was discovered at the scene. [186] He then bound and raped the boy at knife-point before driving to Butts' residence. [84] He also expressed a belief that his Vietnam service contributed to his criminal behavior, emphasizing his difficulties in seducing female partners since his return. At the time of his death, he had been scheduled to be tried on July 27 for six of the murders he had accompanied Bonin upon. Accomplices Robbie Ruinsburg. William George Bonin, Petitioner-appellant v. Arthur Calderon, Warden of San Quentin State Prison. [204] During the ordeal, Bonin allegedly asked the victim whether he knew why he "had to die." [109] He then became acquainted with 43-year-old neighbor and ex-bank officer Everett Scott Fraser. Furious, Bonin resolved to commit a murder. [310][n 22] These claims would be refuted by the prosecutor at Bonin's Los Angeles County murder trial, Stirling Norris, who recollected shortly before Bonin's execution: "He was the leader, and he chose weak people he could use. Upon completion of the jury selection process, Bonin's attorney renewed an earlier filed motion that the trial should be moved to a jurisdiction outside of Orange County due to pretrial publicity tainting the jury pool; this renewed motion was again rejected by Lae, who ruled that the trial would begin on June 14. As the establishment was continually under scrutiny for noise violations, Bonin reportedly locked a 16-year-old runaway in one of the rooms,[115] threatening to bury him in the hills at knife-point. When Monge attempted to exit the vehicle, Bonin punched his stomach and chest before squeezing his genitals, handcuffing him, and forcing Monge to orally copulate him. [265] Munro had planned on meeting a friend in California, but "ended up living on the streets" following an incident in which he had been robbed of money he had saved from working as a male prostitute in Hollywood. [321], Bonin's first trial lasted until January 6, 1982. [333] Charvet also argued before the jury that Brown had "spent more time discussing the two Los Angeles cases" for which Bonin had previously been convicted than actually proving Bonin had committed any of the Orange County murders. [121] As a result, Bonin and Butts frequently discussed the subject of death. [134] Although Butts held an extensive criminal record for offenses such as burglary and arson,[126] he claimed to have been both enamored with and terrified of Bonin,[34] whom he claimed held a "kind of hypnotic" control over him. Returning home, his mother promptly reported Bonin to police. [42], In July 1974, Bonin rented an apartment in Hollywood with intentions of circulating within the adult gay community, but was largely unsuccessful due to poor social skills and soon relocated to his parents' new house on 10282 Angell Street in Downey, California, while briefly working as a bartender in Fountain Valley. [334][n 20] While incarcerated in this capacity, Charvet attempted to secure a change of venue, citing the extensive pretrial publicity surrounding the case in the county minimizing the chances of securing an untainted jury within the jurisdiction; however, this motion was refused by Judge Kenneth Lae, who ruled in November 1982 that there had only been minimal publicity surrounding the Freeway Killer case in Orange County following Bonin's earlier convictions. Bonin was not brought to trial for the murders of Mark Shelton, Robert Wirostek. The date of Butts' formal plea was delayed by Judge Leetham until January 7. In his confession, Butts claimed to have participated in the murders primarily out of fear, claiming, "It was either go, or become the next victim",[140] adding he only found the courage to confess upon learning Bonin was in custody. William Bonin, left, toys witha pen as he hears polling of jurors after they returned a guilty verdict against Bonin in the so-called "freeway" murders in this Aug. 2, 1983 in Los Angeles. [62] He would later summarize his relationship with this young woman as a "big mistake"[52] and a personal failure of his, primarily fueled by his mother's pressuring of him. Butts was amenable to this suggestion,[173] and Bonin offered 17-year-old Mark Shelton $400 for sexual services shortly after the youth left his home to walk to a movie theater near Beach Boulevard. Serial Killer Bio in Kindle & Nook for 99 Cents Thru March, Solves Two Bill Bonin Homicides, Tracks Personal Evolution. [172], On August 4, 1979, Bonin drove from Silverado Canyon to a drive-in movie theater to spend time with Butts in Westminster; he soon suggested that they rape and murder a teenage hitchhiker. Police had been searching for a suspect responsible for the murders of 42 boys during an eight . [240] After binding and sodomizing the youth,[141] Bonin bit into Turner's penis until it tore and bled. [21] In cross-examination, Douglas conceded he had only related these claims to authorities after pleading guilty to the filing of charges of voluntary manslaughter and second-degree burglary against him and that he had been released from custody the previous month. Bonin, an ex-convict from Downey, was tried. Miley who viewed Bonin as something of a father figure[142] often accompanied Bonin against his mother's wishes to watch movies, buy clothes, and visit restaurants in exchange for their sexual relationship. Brown also hearkened toward the similarities in each of these murders and two of those for which Bonin had earlier been convicted in Los Angeles County: Miranda and Wells. [193] Allegedly, Butts orally copulated Hyden's corpse before the pair dumped the body at a construction site near the Ventura Freeway to be discovered hours later. He was also charged with three counts of robbery. Noting Bonin's frantic state and similar profile to the rapist, she promptly searched him and retrieved handcuffs. [31][89] These professionals also noted the psychological and emotional implications of Bonin's unhealthy relationship with his domineering mother, upon whom he remained emotionally dependent in spite of her low opinion of him,[49] and who maintained her son was essentially "worthless as a human being". They found another one, a strangler victim. [148] An autopsy revealed that Lundgren had suffered emasculation and extensive bludgeoning "from an object like a tire jack handle"[171] to his face and head, with his skull sustaining multiple fractures. These lawyers contended that had Charvet placed further emphasis on these issues, Bonin would have been "humanized" in the eyes of his juries. In more extreme cases, orphans faced alleged assaults such as having their heads dunked in toilets and being threatened with knives by older children,[27][28][29] as well as being left with hematomas on their head and buttocks from beatings received by nuns. [76][75], On December 4, 1968, it was reported to the Torrance Police Department by 17-year-old Allen Pruitt that a man with medium-length dark hair and olive complexion had offered him a ride before deviating from the highway and handcuffing the boy, who was extensively sexually assaulted in the vehicle. [20] Consequently, the siblings were severely neglected as children, with their parents seldom present in the household. [298] Munro pleaded innocent to all charges against him on August 14. The following day, the prosecution and defense made alternate pleas for the actual sentence the jury should decide, with Norris requesting the death penalty and Charvet requesting life imprisonment. Profile of Serial Killer Tommy Lynn Sells. [n 10] One victim, Darin Kendrick, was forced to drink hydrochloric acid; three victims had ice-picks driven into their ears[151][60] and another victim, Mark Shelton, died of shock from impaling. [31] Lacking motivation and frequently borrowing money from his parents, Bonin joined the military with his mother's encouragement in December 1966. Following the assault, Bonin vowed to never let this happen to him again. It got easier with each one we did. [75] His body was discarded behind a warehouse close to the Artesia Freeway,[180] with the ice pick still protruding from his ear. [113] Bonin also often spent time with her children and included them in these events. [122] Described by acquaintances as "shy and easily led" by others, Butts attempted suicide on three occasions prior to meeting Bonin[123] and held an obsession with death and witchcraft. Bonin's parents were alcoholics, and his father was a compulsive gambler who was physically abusive towards his wife and children. King was strangled to death before his body was discarded in Live Oak Canyon, Yucaipa. In early 1966, Bonin dropped out of high school and obtained employment with the help of his father. On at least twelve occasions, Bonin was assisted by one of his four known accomplices; he is also suspected of committing a further fifteen murders. Initially doubting Bonin, Miranda began crying and begging for his life. He remained unmoved upon receipt of this sentence, having earlier informed his attorney he fully expected to formally receive the death penalty. [252], In a direct rebuttal, the prosecution summoned forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz, a noted expert in impulse control disorder and sexual sadism disorder, who testified that the overall pattern of Bonin's behavior was inconsistent with an inability to control his impulses. "The Freeway Killer", was an American pedophile, and later hebephilic and ephebophilic serial killer, serial rapist, and one-time robber. [143] Bonin himself later confessed to a psychologist his feeling a sense of social belonging with his accomplices in murder that he had never previously experienced with any other individuals. Miley continued his testimony with the words: "The kid vomited. [382], Three weeks after Bonin's execution, authorities discovered that his mother had openly exploited an administrative error pertaining to her son's social security disability payments which Bonin had begun receiving for a mental disability in 1972 and which should have terminated upon his 1982 imprisonment to maintain payments on her Downey home. Contending the prosecution's case was "full of holes", he then alleged the prosecution had resorted to what amounted to little more than "revulsion tactics" in the hope Bonin would be convicted upon that basis. A drifter who had been in and out of penal institutions, Butts was later speculated by court prosecutors to have developed a fascination with sadistic homosexual activity while in jail. On the same date (January 2), Butts was arraigned on five counts of murder, in addition to three counts of robbery. Bonin, a former Downey truck driver who confessed to raping, torturing and killing 21 boys and young men, was put to death in the prison's converted gas chamber. [101] By this period, Bonin had also returned to his parents' house where he gradually developed a reputation as a child molester among local residents due to his habit of inviting young boys into the household occasionally as his mother, younger brother, and others were present[49] under the guise of providing free alcohol and viewing pornography with them. On this date, he was formally charged with participating in three further murders committed in this county. William Bonin, who grew up in a dysfunctional home, was allegedly a victim of child abuse. [112] This violation of the conditions of his parole should have resulted in Bonin being returned to prison; however, an administrative error committed prior to Bonin's scheduled court date resulted in his release. This supermarket was located close to Butts' former workplace. Retrieving the youth from his vehicle and handcuffing him, Bonin choked him in the parking lot before threatening to murder and sodomize Jones if he did not comply with orders. [100] Bonin then forced oral copulation on McVicker[73] before raping him as he simultaneously strangled him with his T-shirt and a tire iron in the front seat of his car. [196] They then parked the vehicle at a secluded spot where he was bound, repeatedly raped by Bonin and Butts, extensively bludgeoned about the chest, neck,[197] and skull with a tire iron,[198][199] then strangled with a ligature before his nude body was thrown out of the van[198] and over an embankment into a bed of ivy alongside Highway 101. [112][109] While delivering trucks, Bonin frequently argued with his boss who was unaware of his status as a sex offender for picking up a hitchhiker in his presence on one occasion and taking longer, unnecessary routes which detectives later took interest in.[113]. Nonetheless, he described the experience of observing the execution as being symbolic of closure and "the beginning of my life. In a dark green for two con line fan, bonding approached unsuspecting male hitchhikers and pedestrians. [240] Pugh had initially been charged with the first-degree murder of Turner, in addition to companion charges of robbery and sodomy; however, after five days of deliberation, the jury found Pugh guilty of the reduced charge of manslaughter, and innocent of robbery and sodomy. Bonin began asking him about "fags" and homosexuality before accelerating the vehicle and producing a handgun. [326] On January 20, the jury further found that the special circumstances required within California state law (multiple murders and robbery) had been met in the ten murder cases for which they had found Bonin guilty, and thus unanimously recommended he receive the death penalty. Or even a good soldier. [241], Bonin then ordered Pugh to "beat him (Turner) up." [135] In contrast, Bonin held Butts in high regard for his social popularity and for empowering him,[52] describing the young man as very intelligent. [374] Although primarily known as the "Trash Bag Murderer",[375] Kearney is also known as the Freeway Killer. [151] His attorney, Joe Ingber, theorized that Butts' depressive state had been magnified by the impending release of transcripts of his client's testimony at the preliminary hearing, in which Butts had graphically described the torture the victims had endured prior to their murder. Law . [52] His primary hobby as a teen was bowling, something at which he performed adequately;[n 3] this hobby would last throughout the course of his teenage years. [95] While in prison, Bonin was subject to further psychiatric examination which dealt with hostility toward his father and older brother, further noting his sexual behaviors were compulsive in response to stress. [119][120] Born and raised in Norwalk, Butts was nine years old when his father died,[121] and reportedly hailed from a broken home. [83] In May 1969, Bonin recounted to a probation officer his recent stressful separation and admitted his guilt in molesting male youths, although he also expressed desire to start a family and become a pilot upon his release. [246], Four weeks later, on April 29, Bonin encountered 19-year-old supermarket employee Darin Kendrick while parked in the grounds of the Stanton supermarket where Kendrick worked. [n 21], Shortly after Bonin's arrival at San Quentin State Prison, he became close friends with serial killer Lawrence Bittaker, whom he had previously been incarcerated with at Los Angeles County jail. February 22, 1996. [37][21][28] Neighbors in Mansfield later failed to recollect either parent spending any significant time with their sons,[19] and one neighbor observing their unkempt, dirty and hungry condition[17] occasionally provided meals and clean clothes to Bonin and his younger brother out of sympathy[27] after noting that they made their own food, and witnessing Bonin throw sharp darts at his younger brother who had been positioned against a tree. For the next several decades, San Quentin was the William George "Bill" Bonin was born in Willimantic, Connecticut, on January 8, 1947, the second of three sons each of whom were three years apart[9] born to Robert Leonard Bonin Sr. (19191980)[10] and Alice Dorothy Bonin (ne Cote, 19202004). These symptoms had included convulsions. William George Bonin (January 8, 1947 - February 23, 1996) was an American serial killer and twice-paroled sex offender, also known as the Freeway Killer, [1] who committed the rape, torture and murder of a minimum of 21 boys and young men in a series of killings in 1979 and 1980 in southern California. King's mother, Lavada Gifford, had first wrote to Bonin in 1989, having read of his becoming a, On one occasion, Bonin claimed Butts had suggested to him the two should embark on a spree of murder in order that Butts would incorporate aspects of these murders into his. [79][42] During the arrest, Bonin repeatedly advised her to incarcerate him before sobbing and insisting he was not responsible for his actions. author interviews, editors' picks, and more. [128] Within minutes of accepting the ride, Bonin asked Pugh whether he would like to engage in sex with him. [399], Pugh was sentenced to six years in prison for the voluntary manslaughter of Harry Turner on May 17, 1982. When Bonin briefly departed to urinate, he allegedly caught the youth stealing $100 from his billfold. [266], Following his Orange County convictions, Bonin was transferred from the Orange County jail to San Quentin State Prison, to await execution in the gas chamber.[343]. [96] He also sought to raise money for the family of another prisoner, and reportedly applied willingly for at least one treatment program. 1995)", "Accused Freeway Killer William Bonin Vowed While He Was Away in Prison", "United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit: Department of Corrections, Respondents-appellees Argued and Submitted", "O.C. [49], On August 20, 1979, Bonin picked up 18-year-old Robert Wirostek, who was cycling to a grocery store in Newport Beach before Bonin allegedly coaxed him by offering him $50 to perform acts of oral copulation. [31][29], Bonin was to later claim that his experiences in Vietnam instilled a belief within him that human life is overvalued and that humans generally overestimate their value in society,[62] emphasizing feelings of power and independence while in the service. William George Bonin (January 8, 1947 February 23, 1996), also known as the Freeway Killer,[2] was an American serial killer and twice-paroled sex offender[3][4] who committed the rape, torture, and murder of a minimum of twenty-one young men and boys in a series of killings in southern California from May 1979 to June 1980. According to Douglas, Bonin had held a newspaper article aloft before saying to him: "These are the little boys I got ahold of". Editors & # x27 ; picks, and pursue that ] Often moody and bedridden, 141! Inside the glove box, investigators also discovered a scrapbook of newspaper clippings related to the rapist she! 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