Catechists - Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine [4] Catholic students - Aloysius Gonzaga. Casket makers - Stephen. Before that time, saints were largely established by public cult. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. They never met you. Saint-O-Lanterns Link Up! St. Grace of Lerida. He ultimately escaped from his Druid priest owner and returned to his family. Getting the Order of Treatment Right in the Field Hospital of the Catholic Church, Heres How Half of US Abortions Could Be Stopped This Week, Catholic Bookstore Sues Jacksonville Over Law it Says is a Trans Pronoun Mandate, Parents, Beware: 3 Books Offer Insights Into What Families Need to Know About Ideology Affecting Education and Beyond. If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude and we warmly thank you. The flag is an artful mishmash of the St. George Cross, St. Andrew Cross and St. Patrick Cross. Thank you. Thank you. engus' vow was honored and St. Andrew became Scotlands saint. The Union Jack, the national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is known as the Royal Union Flag in Canada. St Thomas Aquinas In the year 1864, Lucifer together with a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mlanie 1879) The demons of the air together with the Antichrist will perform great wonders on earth and in the atmosphere, and men will become more and more perverted. Canonized by equivalent canonization, first Bishop of Quebec. They have died long time ago. So while there are no non-Catholics that the Church recognizes as saints, the Church does recognize the possibility that non-Catholics and even non-Christians can be saved through the universal power of Christ's passion, death and resurrection. Remember that some of the Catholic saints images can be used for other saints. And it's witchcraft to call to them. St. George's bravery and his patronage of Crusaders got him canonized in AD 900. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Part 2: Saint Peter Julian Eymard, ST. Peter Julian Eymard, priest founder of the sacramentini, Office for the liturgical celebrations of the supreme pontiff, canonizations-beatifications, Canonization (16 June 2002), St. Leo the Great, pope and doctor of the church, Pope Benedict XVI, "Saint Leo the Great", General Audience, 5 March 2008, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Misa de Canonization of St Raffaella Maria Porras y Aylln, Himilia del santo padre Pablo VI,Domingo 23 de enero de 1977, Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rays (1832 - 1914), "St. Ren: the patron saint of anaesthetists and a patron saint of canada", St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church and Bishop of Capua, Italy, Canonizzazione di Simn de Rojas e Rose Philippine Duchesne Omelia Di Giovanni Paolo Domenica, 3 luglio 1988, STANISAW KAZIMIERCZYK SOTYS (1433 -1489), Blessed Simon of Lipnica (1435/1440 c. - 1482), Misa de canonizacin de santa Teresa de Jess Jornet e Ibars, Canonizzazione della beata Maria Vittoria Teresa Couderc. There are some male and female saints whose images will work for different saints - especially those of the same era or religious order. Wales isn't specifically represented in the Union Jack as such, since the English Kingdom had already absorbed Wales into it. This was the countercharging of England's flag (a red cross on a white background, known as St George's Cross), and the flag of Scotland (a white saltire on a blue background, known as the Saltire or St Andrew's Cross). But he is beginning to fear death, alone and vulnerable in the alien tropics. @ $19.95. 6. It is true that, in the Catholic Church, Old Testament figures have not been formally canonized and given the title of "saint." I suspect that this has to do with the historical process by which that title came to be assigned. Anthony of Saint Anne Galvo (1739 - 1822) - Biography", "Biography Daniel, Antoine Volume I (10001700) Dictionary of Canadian Biography", "Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of the Canadian Martyrs", Pope Francis canonizes the martyred children of Tlaxcala, Holy mass for the canonization of five new saints, Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Evangelizer of England, "St. Augustine of Canterbury and the Saxon Church in Kent", Pope approves canonisation of archbishop Bartholomew of Braga, A new saint for the Church and Fulton Sheen soon to be Blessed, "The Vincentian Family Tree: A Genealogical Study", Solenne rito di canonizzazione di Beatrice Da Silva Meneses, Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello (1791 1858), "Folie en Christ la romaine et la moscovite: deux exemples de la religiosit chrtienne au XIXe sicle", "Bernardo Tolomei (1272-1348)", Vatican News Service, CNDIDA MARA DE JESS CIPITRIA Y BARRIOLA (1845 -1912), "Pierre Coste and Catherine Laboure: The Conflict of Historical Criticism and Popular Devotion", "Official website of the monastery Saint Maron - Sanctuary of Saint Charbel", Saint Charbel, canonized 40 years ago, a saint for all Lebanon, "Biography GARNIER, CHARLES (Ouracha) Volume I (1000-1700) Dictionary of Canadian Biography", Canonization of then martyrs and two priests Cirilo Bertrn and eight companions, Inocencia de de la Inmaculada, Benedict Menni and Thomas of Cori, Canonisation de Claude la Colombire homlie du pape Jean-Paul II Basilique vaticane - Dimanche 31 mai 1992, "St. Constantine the Great - Saints & Angels", Eucharistic celebration for the canonization of five new saints, Canonizzazione dei martiri Nicola Taveli, Deodata da Rodez, Stefano da Cunea e Pietro da Narbonne, Teresa Benedict of the Cross Edith Stein (1891-1942) nun, Discalced Carmelite, martyr, Seton Shrine, short bio of Elizabeth Ann Seton. After his death, locals began to report miracles as a result of drinking the waters in which he was cast. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. monetization of National Catholic Register RSS feeds is strictly prohibited. True. 3. These are people who have given everything for the love of God and neighbor, have been tried in the fires of persecution and have made choices throughout their lives that were in union with the holy will of God. Most people donate because Catholic Online is useful. To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. Simone Chauvigne Charbonneau St. Simon Hoa Dac Phan St. Simon Stock St. Simon Tceng St. Simon Tsinn St. Simon the Zealot St. Simon Zelotes St. Simplicius St. Simplicius St. Sina . Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A fully independent, lay-run, 501(c)(3) ministry that receives no funding from the institutional Church, we rely entirely on the generosity of everyday people like you . Note that 78 popes are considered saints.[1]. Give a Gift SubscriptionBless friends, family or clergy with a gift of the Register. You can use these coloring pages about the Catholic saints: When teaching about Jesus and the saints of the Bible. Andrew Kim Tae-gn, Priest, and Paul Chng Ha-sang, and Companions. Diocese begins canonization cause", "Manila starts beatification process of U.S. Jesuit", "Founder of Knights of Columbus in PH on path to sainthood", "Naturalized Filipino priest behind Knights of Columbus could be next Filipino saint", "Inquiry into Dorothy Day's life next step in sainthood cause", "Sainthood cause for Dorothy Day picking up steam in U.S.", "California priest inspires push for beatification cause", "Meeting scheduled on sainthood cause for Fr. Who was St. Peter Claver, whose tomb the Pope will visit this week? All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Saint Jacques Berthieu was a French Jesuit priest working in Madagascar when he was martyred by rebel tribesmen hostile to his faith. After beating him nearly to death, the attackers finished by shooting him. The vanished world and the one that replaced it are not very well known to most U.S. Catholics. Jack Kerouac was a Catholic. Jack Chick is a fundamentalist Christian who first began publishing his little tracts in comic-book form in 1960. Saint Jude. 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. In addition, hes written an instructional book for catechists which uses stage magic as a teaching tool for children and young adults entitled The Catechist's Magic Kit (Crossroad). (photo:. (I can hear the atheists howling now.) The next morning, immediately above engus' army, white clouds were seen in an X-shape across a blue sky. He was also a great military patron of Spain and defender of the Christian Church. Saint Peter. January 2: Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and DoctorsMemorial. The linky will be open through October 31st. professed priest of the Theatines; cardinal, professed religious of the Benedictine Nuns, Doctor of the Church in 2012, founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, also known as Dulce of the Poor and first Brazilian woman saint, archbishop of Seville, Doctor of the Church, widow; founder of the Sisters of the Company of Mary, founder of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida Thouret, first Roman Catholic indigenous American saint, priest and founder of the Sons of Mary Immaculate (Pavonians), priest of the Archdiocese of Rennes; founder of the Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries), the Daughters of Wisdom, and the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, founder of the Religious Teachers Filippini (Filippini Sisters), Founder of the Canossian Daughters of Charity and the Canossian Sons of Charity, Professed priest of the Society of Mary, Marist Missionaries; founder of the, professed religious of the Visitation Nuns, Founder of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal, Professed religious of the Franciscan Nuns of the Third Order Regular, Syro-Malabar Catholic nun and the founder of the Congregation of the Holy Family, layperson of the Archdiocese of Quito, member of the Secular Franciscans, Canonized by equivalent canonization and founder of the, founder of the Sisters of the Christian Schools of Saint Julie Postel, widow; founder of the Sisters of Charity of Montreal (Gray Sisters), identified as Mary of Magdalene historically, professed priest of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Latvia, crucified at Aulane during the Maximinian persecution, professed priest of the Society of Mary, Marist Missionaries; martyr, also known as Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, Professed religious of the Society of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founder of the Religious Teachers Venerini (Venerini Sisters), professed priest and founder of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, married layperson of the Archdiocese of Esztergom, king of Hungary, professed religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns. This list of American candidates for sainthood includes not only saints of the Catholic Church but also those who are not yet recognized as saints but as beati, venerabili, servants of God or candidates for sainthood and who are significantly associated with what was either at the time or subsequently became, the United States. January 4: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, ReligiousUSA Memorial. It was the world of the pagan Vikings. Blessed Virgin Mary, The Immaculate Conception of, Blessed Virgin Mary, The Immaculate Heart, Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, St. Christopher Magallanes and companions, St. Damien de Veuster of Molokai, Priest, St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor, St. Sixtus II, Pope, and Companions, Martyrs, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), St. Thrse of Lisieux (Little Flower of Jesus), The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Most of these Americans were born after 1850. After refusing, he was then given only seconds to choose between renouncing his faith and being put to death. Catholic Online Saints - thousands of saints bios. Listed. Here are some of our own past Saint-O-Lanterns: The Last Supper ~ St. Pius the X ~ The Birth of Christ. He is the first martyr of Madagascar to be beatified. Candidates go through the following four steps on the way to being declared saints.[2][3]. St. Catherine is said to be one of the voices heard by Joan of Arc. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. Maybe you are looking for a Confirmation Name or Catholic names for a baby and want to know more about different saints, this is the resource for you. St. Berthieu's had many chances to flee before being captured and possibly after, but he would not consider it, preferring instead to remain on task, shepherding as many of the people as he could toward Christ. King James also began to refer to a "Kingdom of Great Britaine," although the union remained a personal one and hadn't been proclaimed officially. Second, the person must suffer from an external enemy who inflicts death on the person as a result of hatred for the Christian . King James VI of Scotland had inherited the English and Irish thrones in AD 1603 as James I. By St Joseph Art. It would be a disgrace if Mr. Bonta (a fierce proponent of legal abortion) were so obstinate as to insist that Saint Agnes abandon its moral principles as a term of the merger. Socks. Get ready to learn Awesome stuff . A special hall in the crypt level of the Basilica contains statues of American saints. Lena. or school. The people of Madera County deserve to know if Attorney General Bonta preferred that there be no general hospital in Madera, rather than a Catholic one. Pope Francis Sets Canonization Date For Mother Teresa: 4 Sept. Bl. print and digital media outlets, dedicated to reporting the truth in light of the Gospel and the Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1877-1952), Visita pastorale a Messina ea reggio Calabria Canonizzazione della beata Eustochia Calafato Omelia di Giovanni Paolo II Messina - Sabato, 11 giugno 1988, SANTA MISA EN EL V CENTENARIO DE LA EVANGELIZACIN Y CANONIZACIN DEL BEATO EZEQUIEL MORENO Y DAZ HOMILA DEL SANTO PADRE JUAN PABLO II Faro a Coln, Santo Domingo Domingo 11 de octubre de 1992, "July 7th is the 70th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini", How Mother Cabrini Became the First American Saint, Catholic Church fast-tracks two early Quebec figures for sainthood, "Biography LALEMANT, GABRIEL Volume I (1000-1700) Dictionary of Canadian Biography", Four women to be canonized alongside John Henry Newman, Pope to canonize Newman and four others on 13 October, Il Santo della Provvidenza: San Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo, Message of John Paul II to the society of the priests of St Joseph Benedict Cottolengo, First Indian canonized is East Indians' patron saint, D'Mello, Ashley, "St Gonsalo Garcia: The 1st Indian saint", The Times of India, 13 October 2008, Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception (1910-1946), "St. James Kisai, martyr of Nagasaki, Japan with Paul Miki", Dictionary of Canadian Biography Jean de Brbeuf, Dictionary of Canadian Biography Jean de Lalande, "Decree of the Canonization of Blessed John Gabriel Perboyre", "History of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of St. John Gabriel Perboyre", Canonization of John Nepomucene Neumann, Homily of Paul VI, Sunday, 19 June 1977, Mass for the canonization of blessed John of Dukla, Solenne canonizzazione in San Pietro del beato Giovanni Ogilvie, JOSEMARA ESCRIV DE BALAGUER CANONIZATION 6 October 2002, Josemara Escriv Chronology of the Cause for Canonization, Office for the liturgical celebrations of the supreme pontiff, canonizations-beatifications, Canonization (25 November 2001), Canonization of St. Julie Billiart (1751-1816), The foundress of the sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Lonie Franoise De Sales Aviat (1844-1914), Cappella papale XXIX domenica del tempo ordinario santa messa celebrata dal santo padre Francesco con il rito della canonizzazione Ludovico Martin e Maria Azelia Gurin (1823-1894; 1831-1877), Holy mass and canonization of the blesseds: Vincenzo Grossi, Mary of the Immaculate conception, Ludovico Martin and Maria Azelia Gurin, Homily of his holiness Pope Francis Saint Peter's Square 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18 October 2015, Solenne canonizzazione di Maddalena di Canossa Omelia Di Giovanni Paolo II Piazza San Pietro - Domenica, 2 ottobre 1988, Marcellin Joseph Benot Champagnat (1789-1840) priest, of the Society of Mary, Founder of the Institute of the Little Brothers of Mary (Marist Brothers), Cappella papale XXIX domenica del tempo ordinario santa messa celebrata dal santo padre Francesco con il rito della canonizzazione MARIA DELLIMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE (1926-1998), Canonizzazione di Maria Soledad Torres Acosta, Blessed Marie Eugenie of Jesus (1817 - 1898), Narcisa de Jess Martillo Morn (1832-1869), Thomas of Villanova - 450 years and Nicholas of Tolentine - 700 years An Exhibit commemorating two Augustinian Saints, St Nimatullah Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini (1808-1858), "Nuno De Santa Maria lvares Pereira (1360-1431) - Biography", St Paola Elisabetta (Costanza Cerioli) (1816-1865). Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Patrick, Saint, APOSTLE OF IRELAND, b. at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387; d. at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, March 17, 493. Catholics do not worship saints, but the saints are near and dear to Catholic hearts. Lord, When Did We See You Hungry or Thirsty or a Stranger or Naked or Ill or in Prison? From $12.92. Jane Louise Barre and Jane Reine Prin, St. Joseph the Worker Pendant / Prayer Card, St. John The Baptist Laminated Prayer Cards - (Pack of 25), St. James the Greater Hand Painted Solid Resin Statue, St. John of Perugia & Peter of Sassoferrato. Our team of Catholic writers continues to create new pages for the saints. ( discuss) (June 2021) This principle can also be found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. His mother was King Arthur's niece, thus St. David is Arthur's grandnephew. He worked as a hairdresser. 5 prayers you should say this Lenten Season News, Saint of the Day for Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. January 3: The Most Holy Name of JesusOptional Memorial. Pope Francis addresses the Circle of St. Peter: Feb. 20, 2023 A. D. February 20, 2023; . This sortable list of Christian saints includeswhere knowna surname, location, and personal attribute (or those attributes included as part of the historical name). First, the person must be united to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (this obviously excludes heretics and schismatics). Voter turnout was only 29%, far lower than the last election in 2019, and video-documented claims of vote switching and voter intimidation were rife. The Supreme Court is slated to soon decide the financial fortunes of over 40 million Americans who are in line for significant student loan relief, when it hears arguments on the legality of President Joe Biden's plan to provide targeted relief to student loan borrowers. Here are a few more pictures, of other Saint-O-Lanterns that have been brought to our Home School Group's All Saints' Party in the past: We're not salespeople, but we depend on donations averaging $14.76 and fewer than 1% of readers give. AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVW. One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic Church is the holiness of its members. Jacques Berthieu, SJ (born 27 November 1838 at Polminhac, Cantal, France; died 8 June 1896 at Ambiatibe, Madagascar ), was a French Jesuit, priest and missionary in Madagascar. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Hes also the Guildmaster of the Catholic Magicians Guild and a professed member of the Secular Franciscans (Third Order Franciscans). Angelo has published articles in most of the major Catholic journals in the United States and Great Britain and had worked as a correspondent for the Catholic News Service having served as principle liaison for the wire service to the United Nations and to the Holy See's Office to the United Nations. Samuel Schuerich, 2 Tucson Priests to Be Beatified, "Florida martyrs remembered at Mass of thanksgiving for their sainthood cause", "Martyrs of La Florida Cause for Canonization", "Cause for the Canonization of Servant of God Demetrius Gallitzin "Apostle of the Alleghenies", "Five priests who died in Shreveport during yellow fever epidemic on track to become saints", "Cause opens for priests who sacrificed lives in epidemic", "Sainthood inquiry continues for Tennessee priest who died in yellow fever epidemic", "Canonization Cause for Father Patrick Ryan Moves Forward", "Baltimore nun advocated for Catholic sainthood Vatican approves campaign to canonize founder of Oblate Sisters", "Isaac Hecker: A New York City mystic and preacher on the way to sainthood", "Vermont's 10th bishop opens sainthood cause for diocese's first bishop", "Cause for celebration: Bishop deGoesbriand to be recommended for sainthood", "Cahersiveen cause for canonisation opened in Texas", "Denver priest shot at Mass could be declared a saint", "Remembering Father Leo Heinrichs, Denver's little-known martyr who could one day be a saint", "Vatican receives sainthood cause for Sister Marie de Mandat-Grancey", "Cause for Beatification for Sr. Marie de Mandat-Grandcey, DC, founder of Mary's House, Ephesus, Turkey", "Sainthood cause opened for Julia Greeley, a former slave", "Beatification Process Begins for Father Thomas F. Price", "100th Anniversary of the Death of Francis J. Parater, Servant of God", "The Eagle Scout on his way to sainthood", "Capuchin priest who fought racism on way to canonization", "Archbishop to become Lithuania's first beatified Soviet-era martyr", Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne Rose Hawthorne, "Rose Hawthorne's Cause For Sainthood Moves to Rome", "Nathaniel Hawthorne's daughter is on the road to sainthood", "Layman. All advertisements on this site are served by, consider using them for your advertising needs. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. 11 Popular Catholic Saints Paul of Tarsus (10-67 A.D.) Saul of Tarsus was a zealous Jew who also had Roman citizenship because of the place of his birth. St. Ignatius in 107 AD said that "where Jesus Christ is there is the Catholic Church". He had for his parents Calphurnius and Conchessa. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! 15501597), Professed Religious of the Franciscan Friars Minor (Badajoz, Spain), Francisco de Berscola (ca. Ethelburga, Ercongota, and Sethrida St. Ethelburga St. Ethelburga of Barking St. Ethelgitha St. Ethelgiva St. Ethelnoth St. Ethelred St. Ethelreda (Audrey) St. Ethelwald St. Ethelwald . Saint Berthieu was born in France on November 27, 1838, as one of seven children. The details of the in-person Town Halls are as follows: Monday, March 6, 2023, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School in OAKVILLE. While attending graduate school in Theology Jack came across the teaching of Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body." He immediately understood that this was the treasure he had been seeking all his life, sold everything, and now travels the country presenting Parish Missions, Retreats and Classes. Vincent Capodanno, 'The Grunt Padre', sent to the Vatican", "Passionist priest, Theodore Foley, on road to sainthood", "Late Springfield priest Rev. The Catholic Directory is a free website for finding, reviewing, and connecting with Catholic churches, organizations, resources, and businesses. For example, the Union Jack. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Though everyone knows St. George killed his dragon in Palestine, the English believe the monster was killed on Dragon Hill in Uffington, Berkshire. According to the Church, a " s aint" is anyone who is in Heaven, whether their status as being in Heaven is recognized on Earth or not. St. Berthieu was venerated on April 8, 1964. HOMILA DEL SANTO PADRE GIOVANNI PAOLO II, Office for the liturgical celebrations of the supreme pontiff, canonizations-beatifications, canonization (19 May 2002), India's Catholics celebrate first woman saint, India's first woman saint cheers riot-hit Christians, Rite of canonization of blesseds: Giovanni Antonio Farina, Kuriakose Elias Chavara of the holy family, Ludovico of Casoria, Nicola of Longobardi, Euphrasia Eluvathingal of the sacred heart, Amato Ronconi, Saint Ambrose Barlow His life, times and relics, St. Ambrose Barlow Ministered in England in secret for 24 years, Saint Andr Bessette: The Saint, The Miracle Man, Pope approves Canada's Brother Andre for sainthood, PAPAL MASS FOR THE CANONIZATION OF NEW SAINTS: STANISAW KAZIMIERCZYK SOTYS (1433 - 1489) ANDR (Alfred) BESSETTE (1845 - 1937) CNDIDA MARA DE JESS (Juana Josefa) CIPITRIA y BARRIOLA (1845 - 1912) MARY OF THE CROSS (Mary Helen) MacKILLOP (1842 - 1909) GIULIA SALZANO (1846 - 1929) BATTISTA CAMILLA DA VARANO (1458 - 1524), "PONTIFF CANONIZES RELIGIOUS MARTYR; Andre-Hubert Fournet, Victim in French Revolution, Attains Sainthood in St. Peter's. To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. Jack Ryan, Catholic Hero - Episode 8 - Things begin to turn Dark for Jack February 27, 2023; . So while every person who is canonized is . Legend has it that the idea for the Scottish flag came from a 9th-century battle. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Soldier. So the Church mixed the traditions involving Celtic spirits and Catholic saints. Other denominations maintain their own Calendars of Saints. 1560 to 15701597), Professed Religious of the Franciscan Friars Minor (Vizcaya, Spain), Isidore Qumerais (18471873), Priest of the Diocese of Shreveport (Ille-et-Vilaine, France), Jean Pierre (18311873), Priest of the Diocese of Shreveport (Ctes-dArmor, France), Jean-Marie Bilier (18391873), Priest of the Diocese of Shreveport (Ctes-dArmor, France), Louis-Marie Gergaud (18321873), Priest of the Diocese of Shreveport (Loire-Atlantique, France), Franois Le Vzout (18331873), Priest of the Diocese of Shreveport (Ctes-dArmor, France), Patrick Ryan (18451878), Priest of the Diocese of Knoxville (Tipperary, Ireland Tennessee, USA), Joan Adelaide O'Sullivan (Mara Adelaida of Saint Teresa) (18171893), Professed Religious of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns (New York, USA Len, Spain), John Eckert (Stephen of Dublin) (18691923), Professed Priest of the Franciscan Capuchins (Ontario, Canada Wisconsin, USA), John O'Connell (Columba) (18481923), Professed Religious of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Pennsylvania Indiana, United States), Theresia Ijsseldijk (Theresia of the Holy Trinity) (18971926), Professed Religious of the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus (Gelderland, Netherlands Missouri, USA), Maria Grazia Bellotti LaPercha (18821927), Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Newark (Potenza, Italy New Jersey, USA), Federico Salvador Ramn (18671931), Priest of the Diocese of Almera; Founder of the Servants of the Immaculate Child Mary (Almera, Spain California, USA), ngel Baraibar Moreno (18911936), Priest of the Archdiocese of Toledo; Martyr (San Juan, Puerto Rico Toledo, Spain), Anna Marie Lindenberg (Theresa of Jesus) (18871939), Professed Religious of the Carmelite Nuns of the Ancient Observance (Mnster, Germany Pennsylvania, USA), Lewis Thomas Wattson (Paul James) (18631940), Founder and Professed Priest of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (Maryland, USA New York, USA), James Maginn (19111950), Priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban; Martyr (Montana, USA Gangwon, South Korea), Patrick Brennan (19011950), Priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban; Vicar Apostolic of Kwangju; Martyr (Illinois, USA Daejeon, South Korea), Jean Martin Eyraud (18801968), Priest of the Archdiocese of New Orleans (Haute Alpes, France Louisiana, USA), William Evans (19191971), Professed Priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Massachusetts, USA Dhaka, Bangladesh), Ern Tindira (18921972), Priest of the Diocese of Mukacheve of the Latins; Martyr (Pennsylvania, USA Mukacheve, Ukraine), Michael Jerome Cypher (Casimir) (19411975), Professed Priest of Franciscan Conventuals; Martyr (Wisconsin, USA Olancho, Honduras), Paul Michael Murphy (19391976), Layperson of the Diocese of Phoenix; Consecrated Member of the Miles Jesu (Illinois, USA Arizona, USA), Auguste [Nonco] Pelafigue (18881977), Layperson of the Diocese of Lafayette; Member of the Apostleship of Prayer League (Haute-Pyrnes, France Louisiana, USA), Juan Luis Ellacuria Echevarra (Aloysius) (19051981), Professed Priest of the Claretians (Vizcaya, Spain California, USA), William Slattery (18951982), Priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) (Maryland, USA Pennsylvania, USA), John Maronic (19221985), Professed Priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate; Founder of the Victorious Missionaries (Minnesota, USA Illinois, USA), Mara Belen Guzmn Florit (Dominga) (18971993), Founder of the Dominican Sisters of Fatima (San Juan, Puerto Rico Ponce, Puerto Rico), John Joseph McKniff (19071994), Professed Priest of the Augustinians (Pennsylvania, USA Florida, USA Piura, Peru), Rossella Petrellese (19721994), Layperson of the Diocese of Acerra (Naples, Italy Minnesota, USA), Ida Peterfy (19222000), Founder of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart (Koice, Slovakia California, USA), Gertrude Agnes Barber (19112000), Layperson of the Diocese of Erie (Pennsylvania, USA), Gwen Cecilia Billings Conicker (19392002), Married Layperson of the Diocese of Steubenville; Cofounder of the Apostolate for Family Consecration (Illinois, USA Ohio, USA), Joseph Henry Cappel (19082004), Priest of the Maryknoll Missionary Society (Kentucky, USA Talca, Chile), Joseph Walijewski (19142006), Priest of the Diocese of La Crosse (Michigan, USA Lima, Peru), William Edward [Bill] Atkinson (19462006), Professed Priest of the Augustinians (Pennsylvania, USA), Irving Charles Houle (Francis) (19252009), Married Layperson of the Diocese of Marquette (Michigan, USA), This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 02:54. 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