Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. "that's what we are -- Africans who are in America. The Ballot or the Bullet study guide contains a biography of Malcolm X, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. How does Malcolm X think the civil rights problem should be solved? Let him know that it must be the ballot or the bullet. "No, no, we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down, In some ways, he was this town at its best-- strong, hard-. The black man is not born free, he is born in jail, victim of structural oppression and to the hypocrisy of a government that claims to represent the interests of all Americans. Let the world know how bloody his hands are. [9] He said that President Johnson and the Democratic Party claimed to support the civil rights bill, and the Democrats controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate, but they had not taken genuine action to pass the bill. And this was pointed out by the Supreme Court decision. We have to see each other with new eyes. Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. Malcolm speaks from a personal perspective. Summary of Malcolm X's "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech. driving, working feverishly, pushing, building. The Ballot or the Bullet essays are academic essays for citation. In a speech on May 18, 1858, Abraham Lincoln said, "To give victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only are necessary. This was effective because he is making it known what the administration thinks about the African American vote; he hopes to make sure that they know and remember what the. "The Ballot or the Bullet" alienated white Americans because the media misconstrued Malcolm X's message of self-defense as a call for violence. The political philosophy is self-government. More books than SparkNotes. He made you think you were going somewhere and you end up going nowhere but between Lincoln and Washington. In addition, Malcolm X intended his characteristic use of language and imagery to disguise his conceptions of society and history[28] in new ways to put issues into his perspective for his audience and inspire activism. The Ballot or the bullet Malcolm X Cory Methodist Church Cleveland, Ohio April 3, 1964 Garret Feucht COM 250 - Prof. Heins 10/29/15 Garret Feucht COM 250 - Prof. Heins 10/29/15 (Daniels, 2014) The Ballot or the Bullet is the title of one of the many speeches given by human rights activist Malcolm X. Everything that came out of Europe, every blue-eyed thing, is already an American. Understand this, it's dangerous. Work Cited "Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet." American Public Media . Malcolm X analyzes why following the Democratic Party is not in the best interest of African Americans since the Democrats allow the "Dixiecrats" a place in their organization to retain power. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring! The Question and Answer section for The Ballot or the Bullet is a great He was also muslim. On April 3, 1964, human rights activist Malcolm X gave the speech "The Ballot or the Bullet." The speech was . However, he clarifies that they have yet to see the America dream but only to experience the American nightmare (para 11). The white man didnt know what he was doing when he let black children read about liberty or death in his history books, he says. Although their outspoken beliefs in self-defense and gun ownership branded them a militant group, they created much-needed social programs for their communities, such as health clinics and free breakfast programs. The speech was strong and inspiring, and because it was combined with his confident and sturdy speaking, he came off as a respectable and intelligent leader who knows what he wants, Malcolm X evokes emotion with the use of objectification, by specifying particular instances of exploitation, degradation, and oppression that the black community has faced. [21], Malcolm X referred to "the type of Black man on the scene in America today [who] doesn't intend to turn the other cheek any longer",[9] and warned that if politicians failed to keep their promises to African Americans, they made violence inevitable:[22]. Malcolm predicted that if the civil rights bill wasn't passed, there would be a march on Washington in 1964. The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X: Rhetorical Analysis If you don't take this stand now your kids will grow up and think "shame" Rhetorical Strategies Malcolm X uses a lot of strong dialect . Instead of crying and be depressed with his lost, he continued to study. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is a speech that Malcolm X first delivered at Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, on April 3, 1964. If he waits too long he will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something these people never dreamed of. That right there castrates you. Cleage, brothers and sis Malcolm X was a civil rights leader before he was assassinated at the age of 40. "The Ballot or the Bullet" further indicates a shift in Malcolm X's rhetoric, as his separation from the Nation of Islam and new, unfettered public activism prompted a change in the ways he addressed his audience. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Our faith is sure, our resolve is firm, and our union is strong. His black protectionist outlook called separation instead of unity and equality. In his, "The Ballot or the Bullet" was a public acknowledgment of. Malcolm uses emotions because he wants the audience to feel the events in America especially when it comes the time to vote. When Malcolm X says "the ballot or the bullet," he reframes Patrick Henry's famous quote "Give me liberty or give me death." Some were communists; some, Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity a, Thats camouflage, thats trickery, thats, Click here to study/print these flashcards. "The Ballot or the Bullet" discusses the power of the African American vote and charges the United States government with conspiring against allowing African Americans to achieve their due rights. Two thousand people including some of his enemies turned out to hear him speak in Cleveland, Ohio. Despite their religious, differences, they came together. This resource includes the annotated text of Malcolm X's famous "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech. Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Carol Denise McNair were killed when a bomb detonated in Birmingham, Alabama, in the 16th Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963. First, Malcolm X was inspirational in many aspects and his upbringing added to this aspect. Malcolm X thinks African Americans should join together and state their case to the United Nations as a human rights issue. Being a black nationalist, Malcolm X says, does not require you to give up any of your personal organizational affiliations. Let the world know how bloody his [Uncle Sam's] hands are. An old woman can sit. A Summary View of the Rights of British America, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae. The tone is provocative and righteous. The Ballot or the Bullet, Part 2 Summary and Analysis. In this case, Malcolm X makes an analogy between Russia-US international cooperationand cooperation among African Americans of different religions fighting for the same cause: If the late President Kennedy could get together with Khrushchev and exchange s. Why does Malcolm X say he and other African Americans are not really Americans? 0; In this first section of the speech, Malcolm relies on appealing to the pride of the African-American community, particularly through language centering on the emasculation of black peoples and the necessity of relying on brute force over peaceful protest. Not affiliated with Harvard College. "1 What, if anything, do you think Malcolm X hopes to accomplish by quoting Abraham Lincoln and Patrick Henry and establishing African American protests as legal according to the Supreme Court? Malcolm X uses "if-then" statements and examples designed to evoke emotion to appeal to his audience. Let it be the ballot or the bullet. Gradesaver has a complete summary of "The Ballot of the Bullet" speech readily available in its study guide for this unit. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is listed as one of the most important speeches Malcolm X ever gave because: One of them makes believe he's for you, and he's got it fixed where the other one is so tight against you, he never has to keep his promise. One sentence he said stuck out like a sore thumb. The social philosophy of black nationalism advocates for reform of the community and reconstruction of it so it is more welcoming:[18]. His name was Malcolm Little (known as Malcolm X), a widely acknowledged human rights activist. the democrats were in control of the house of representatives and the senate. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we differ about,", "I'm not a politician, not even a student of politics; in fact, I'm not a student of much of anything. He says non-violence is foolish when an opponent approaches with violence. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is a speech made by Malcolm X in Cleveland, Ohio, on April 3, 1964. As one can probably tell from the title, Malcolm X is attempting to convince African American citizens to actively exercise their right to vote. Malcolm provides an economic summary of black nationalism: African-Americans should buy from African-American owned and operated businesses so as to feed the prosperity of their own communities and lift the levelto a higher levelso that we will be satisfied in our own circles and wont be running around here to knock our way into a social circle where were not wanted. This economic attitude is in keeping with the larger social and political attitudes of separatism that marked black nationalism, which claimed that integration would only result in further oppression of black peoples and advocated, as the name suggests, for entirely separate and self-governed communities. ", "They've become dissatisfied, and all of this has built up frustrations in the black community that makes the black community throughout America today more explosive than all of the atomic bombs the Russians can ever invent", "Whenever you got a racial powder keg sitting in your lap, you're in more trouble than if you had an atomic powder keg sitting in your lap. This statement exemplifies how Malcolm X's thinking began to shift concerning the Civil Rights Movement after leaving the Nation of Islam and continued down this path while on his pilgrimage to Mecca. He contrasted civil rights, which he described as "asking Uncle Sam to treat you right", to human rights, which he called "your God-given rights" and "the rights that are recognized by all nations of this earth". The current dispute mandate runs out on 6 May, and so the new ballot will run from 20 March until 9 May. Publicly, his criticisms of the system fell on mostly deaf ears. Through his triumph and survival of the murder of his father in 1931 when he was six years old, but also educating himself in prison which he was in for seven years from the ages 21-28 (Draper 7).With this story, it inspired people in the various ethnic communities, and neighborhoods. Which means a segregationist is breaking the law. [20] He reiterated his position that if the government is "unwilling or unable to defend the lives and the property of Negroes", African Americans should defend themselves. intentional balancing clauses within a sentence to create equality of development between ideas (a.k.a. It was ranked 7th in the top 100 American speeches of the 20th century by 137 leading scholars of American public address. Will you pass the quiz? He was also muslim. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. The Ballot or the Bullet Analysis Jasmine Grant Jackson State University By Any Means Necessary! "my community with their false promises, building up our hopes for a letdown, with their, "As they nourish these dissatisfactions, it can only lead to one thing, an, It has talked and talked and talked the words of freedom, but it. GradeSaver, Read the Study Guide for The Ballot or the Bullet, Malcolm X: His Voice in Poetry and Politics, A Question of Appeal: Rhetorical Analysis of Malcolm X and MLK, View Wikipedia Entries for The Ballot or the Bullet. 195196. The main aim of the speech is to urge African Americans to vote, and if they do not attain equality through voting, they can use violence to fight for their rights. Example: (Your, Youre\underline{\textit{You're}}Youre) surprised that I knew that Notah Begay won a PGA golf tournament in 1999. The repetition of the phrase the ballot or the bullet shows how that community of people feel about change. Malcolm X warns African-Americans against the white politicians that will come into their communities (for the first and last time, he suggests) and make false promises of equality. It was very influential speech that empowered the. [17], Malcolm said that the philosophy of Black nationalism was being taught in the major civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, CORE, and SNCC. [23], But, Malcolm said, there was still time to prevent this situation from developing:[23]. "Those Honkies that just got off the boat, they're already Americans; Polacks are already Americans; the Italian refugees are already Americans. Some of them were Christians. We encourage you to look for other examples of the same devices in the text to further enrich your an, An allusion is a reference to a person, event, or textthat is relevant to the speech. . Well, you and I been sitting long enough, he claims, and its time for us today to start doing some standing and some fighting to back that up.. The main aim of the speech is to urge African Americans to vote, and if they do not attain equality through voting, they can use violence to fight for their rights. The white supremacist system is the antagonist. repetition of the same word or phrase at the end of successive clauses, "It's got to be the ballot or the bullet. ", "Not only is he a crook, he's a hypocrite. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. They don't attack me because I'm a Muslim; they attack me 'CAUSE I'M BLACK. He constantly used repetition of the words "the ballot or the bullet" in order to keep the thought present in the head of the audience, and after completing every thought, he found a way to connect it back to the issue of the ballot or the bullet. He emphasizes that the Negro vote is the key factor (para 12) that it is the only reason why they Democratic Party is a part of the government. For example, the speaker uses the metaphor of a boat to suggest that all African Americans (regardless of religion) are victims of discrimination and oppression: We're. "The Ballot or the Bullet" has several purposes, a well-defined audience, and several rhetorical devices like logos. Sit-ins are disempowering because they perpetuate the image of the African-American community as cowardly and weak. Because of this, Malcolm X believes all African Americans must join together to bypass the United States government and take their grievances to the United Nations as a human rights rather than civil rights issue. Malcolm X states that, since 1964 was an election year, it was the year for African Americans to stand up and show the United States government they would no longer wait for the rights they deserve. That is they have been politically informed then they will recognize that each election will end with the same outcome. Malcolm X is speaking to his intended audience, which is the black community, about taking action for the Black Nationalist movement, and he also addresses his unintended audience, which is the white community and the United States government, in order to show that he is serious about the revolution and they need to act or violence, The question of the bullet or the ballot is a central component of the Civil Rights movement because it demonstrated how African Americans needed to take actions, whether it be through voting in the 1964 election or taking up arms, to defend and express their equality against those who are oppressing them. Malcolm X maintained his use of repetition as "communications of the passion that is satisfied by a single statement, but that beats through the pulses",[27] and this can be exemplified by his consistent use of the phrase "the ballot or the bullet". Cone, pp. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. For example, the speaker uses sarcasm to suggest that European immigrants are better treated than African Americans: Everything that came out of Europe, every blue-eyed thing, is already an American., Repetition is one of Malcolm Xs favorite rhetorical devices. $4.00. (Malcolm X) Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925. . That old Uncle Tom action is outdated. False. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. [5] The Nation of Islam, which advocated on behalf of African Americans, had significant disagreements with the Civil Rights Movement. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is the title of a public speech by human rights activist Malcolm X.In the speech, which was delivered on two occasions the first being April 3, 1964, at the Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio and the second being on April 12th 1964 at the King Solomon Baptist Church, in Detroit, Michigan. Malcolm X: ( 06:52) The economic philosophy of Black Nationalism only means that we should own, and operate, and control the economy of our community. Due to the fear of severe punishment, blacks were scared to fight for equality; however, on April 3, 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio, one brave soul finally did. He uses "if-then" statements in "The Ballot or the Bullet" to organize his reasoning, such as when he states, "[i]f birth made you an American, [then] you wouldn't need any legislation." The media misconstrued Malcolm X's calls for self-defense as calls for violence. Imagine living in a world of segregation - constantly judged by color of ones skin and not being permitted to associate with the superior race. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. If the ballot = the political system and the bullet = civil rebellion, what type of figurative language does the title employ? In the speech, Malcolm X states, "It isn't that time is running out time has run out." The tone of "The Ballot or the Bullet" is both urgent and angry. Why did Malcolm X say was 1964 an important year for African Americans? "[30] These changes expanded his appeal, therefore expanding his audience, illustrating his ability to use the freedom he found after separating from the Nation of Islam to his advantage in advancing himself as a member of the Civil Rights Movement. Malcolms main purpose of the speech is to persuade African Americans to fight for their right to vote and to warn the U.S. government that if they restrict minorities from equality, violence will in turn take effect (Montoya 211). For example, the theme and title of the speech the ballot or the bullet is mentioned about 16 times by the speaker: Let it be the ballot or the bullet. Black Nationalism: an ideology that African Americans should separate from white America and form their own institutions. Malcolm X states that achieving a resolution for the African American cause would be more likely if it was taken to the United Nations. Anything can sit. In "The Ballot or the Bullet", Malcolm chose not to discuss religion but rather to stress the experiences common to African Americans of all backgrounds. Let the world know the hypocrisy that's practiced over here. In what follows, we will look at some of the most important rhetorical devices used by the speaker and how they work with the speech. At his press conference, Malcolm X said that "in areas where our people are the constant victims of brutality, and the government seems unable or unwilling to protect them, we should form rifle clubs that can be used to defend our lives and our property in times of emergency". Malcolm X delivered "The Ballot or the Bullet" to foster a relationship with other civil rights leaders and announce his desire to work with all groups of African Americans after leaving the Nation of Islam. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Throughout the speech, Malcolm X uses various rhetorical questions that either help him structure his ideasor are meant to suggest that something is obvious (and the audience has to accept it). So too will the black community win by force, and not by peaceful protest. [12], Black nationalism was characterized by its political, social, and economic philosophies. Summary of Malcolm X's "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996, and activists like Dennis Peron whose partner died of AIDS in 1990 played key roles in organizing the ballot measure. Malcolm X begins "The Ballot or the Bullet" by announcing that he'll explain what he believes the next steps of the Civil Rights Movement should be. Malcolm X began his speech by acknowledging that he was still a Muslim, but he quickly added that he didn't intend to discuss religion or any other issues that divide African Americans. "They don't have to pass civil rights legislation to make a Polack an American," said Malcolm X "The Ballot or the Bullet," a speech he made on April 3, 1964, in Cleveland, Ohio. The speech is among the top persuasive speeches of the 20th century. Malcolm X is the minister of Muslim Mosque Incorporated, just like Martin Luther King and Adam Clayton Powell are both Christian ministers. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X. Whereas the Civil Rights Movement advocated on behalf of integration and against segregation, the Nation of Islam favored separatism. He states that African Americans continue to struggle because the Democrats and Republicans work together to deny African Americans their rights. "(I Have a Dream Speech). Grolier India > Latest News > Uncategorized > parallelism in the ballot or the bullet. Religious differences, he worries, might hinder solidarity in the African-American community. Tell him, don't wait until election time. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Emancipation from British Dependence Poem, Poems on Various Subjects Religious and Moral. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. Note that these are only some examples and not a full list of all the devices the speaker uses. Correct the word in italics. He is not here today to discuss his relationship with God, but to speak about black nationalism. Southern Democrats (sometimes called Dixiecrats, though the term is ambiguous and more properly refers to a short-lived separate political party), blocked the bill from consideration by the House of Representatives. He declares himself to be a black nationalist freedom fighter.. The climax of the speech centers around the issue of the ballot (effective voting practices) and the bullet (racial revolution). Southern Democrats had promised to oppose the bill. The dollar is taken from the African-American community and given to outsiders. The history of America is one of colonialism; Malcolm likens the colonists struggle against the British to that of African-Americans against white supremacy. This downplaying of his religion reverberates in the context of a speech advocating for political engagement. He explains to the crowd that self-determination is the key to success. Some examples of rhetorical questions that help structure the speech are: The question tonight, as I understand it, is The Negro Revolt, and Where Do We Go From Here? or What Nex. [21] He advised his listeners to be mindful of the law "This doesn't mean you're going to get a rifle and form battalions and go out looking for white folks that would be illegal and we don't do anything illegal" but he said that if white people didn't want African Americans to arm themselves, the government should do its job. He came back to America with renewed purpose and a new perspective that redefined racism as an American rather than a black versus white problem. Earlier in the year, Malcolm X, once an outspoken follower of Elijah Muhammed, declared his separation from the Nation of Islam and realigned himself with the civil rights movement. In "The Ballot or the Bullet," Malcolm X clarifies that African Americans have no inherent bias toward the white man; they are "anti-exploitation . Why did Malcolm X deliver "The Ballot or the Bullet"? Like the colonists, Malcolm X is ready to fight tooth and nail for the liberation of his community, whether that means using his vote advantageously or participating in outright revolution. Malcolm X's "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech was a powerful call to action for African Americans to take a more militant approach to the civil rights movement. If the ballot doesn't work, Malcolm X says, then African-Americans will have to resort to the bullet. "The Ballot or the Bullet," a famous civil rights speech delivered by Malcolm X Malcolm X religious beliefs had caused controversy within the Black community. Instead of promoting peace to solve problems, Malcolm X used violence when necessary to get his points across to his audience. & gt ; Latest News & gt ; parallelism in the context a. Figurative language does the title employ 3, 1964 Supreme Court decision and given to outsiders against! You were going somewhere and you end up going nowhere but between Lincoln and Washington march until 9.... Was still time to vote n't passed, there would be a march on Washington in 1964 significant disagreements the. ), a widely acknowledged human rights issue America and form their own institutions, came... The 20th century by 137 leading scholars of American public address in the is!, they came together sure, our resolve is firm, and so the new Ballot will from. Nebraska on May 19, 1925. the Bullet is a speech advocating for political.. 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