This puts a strain on Nancy and Jonathan's relationship, as Jonathan angrily tells her that she doesn't understand how important a job is to his family compared to Nancy, who is very privileged. Dead by Daylight adds new Stranger Things skins, bringing Jonathan Byers to the game and adding a new outfit for Nancy Wheeler. After working together to make Dr. Owens's recorded confession sound like a chemical spill killed Barbara, Murray noticed Jonathan's feelings for Nancy and encouraged him to embrace them, which he did. However, when Tom found out that Jonathan helped Nancy look for proof for Mrs. Driscoll's rat story, he fired Jonathan as a result. Like Will, Lonnie forced Jonathan to do "manly" activities, forcing him to hunt on his tenth birthday and making him kill a rabbit, causing Jonathan to cry for a week. Occupation When asked by Nancy about receiving his college acceptance letter, Jonathan lied to her, saying he did not get it and seemed relieved when Nancy assured their relationship was still fine. When Argyle wanted to make a headstone for the deceased Agent Harmon, Jonathan, despite understanding his motive, did not think it would be a good idea as it would give away their names. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: both jonathan and will are always referred to as being "strange" and "sensitive" and are seen to be shy, except for when will is around his friends; Steve ran out and prepared to escape, but saw the lights of the house once again beginning to flicker and decided he needed to help his friends. In 1982, the day Lonnie left the Byers' home permanently, Jonathan and Will built Castle Byers together, using Will's drawings as blueprints. When they reunite, Johnathan and Nancy lovingly embrace and apologize to one another, both of them explaining valid reasons for their absence and silence. Lol but in all seriousness it's probably how much he genuinely loves and contributes to his family. WE SEE YOU, AND WE LOVE YOU. While it does make sense that Jonathan feared losing his job, that didn't mean he had to scoff at Nancy's theories. Jonathan was the first to notice a fearful Will looking at the sky and they both witnessed to the invasion of the Upside Down commencing. After moving to Lenora Hills, California with his family, Jonathan met Argyle and because they were both considered to be outsiders at Lenora Hills High School, the two became close friends. Reuniting with Nancy, the two are happy yet seem in denial that their relationship doesn't have any problems, with Jonathan fibbing to Nancy that his acceptance letter has yet to arrive. Three months later, before moving out of Hawkins, Jonathan consoled a saddened Nancy and said good-bye to her before sharing a hug and a kiss with her. Of course, Jonathan didn't know this. When school was over, Steve and his friends waited at Jonathans car and snatched his book bag away, reviewing the photos. When Tom did not approve the story and Nancy decided to get more evidence, Jonathan reluctantly went along with her to help. Age Yeah agreed. I have aspergers syndrome (a form of high functioning autism) and I can't help but feel that Jonathan acts and thinks the way someone with aspergers would. For example, he is often socially awkward and has trouble reading social cues. He also has a keen interest in music, creating several mixtapes for himself and his brother, and is an aspiring photographer. A month later, Nancy and Jonathan have become an official couple. WORST: Irresponsible Jonathan may be selfless, but he certainly isn't responsible. On Halloween, when driving Will to the Wheelers, Jonathan complained to Will that he didn't get what their mother saw in Bob. When she heard that her kids are in danger, she, Hopper, Murray and Alexei raced back to Hawkins to save them. Dating Nancy Wheeler When Argyle observed Nancy isn't coming to Lenora Hills for spring break alongside her brother, Jonathan denied Nancy was ditching him and poking holes at his flawed plan to go to Emerson College alongside her. Charlie Heaton When a body resembling Will is recovered at the quarry, Jonathan is devastated, locking himself in his room and tearfully listened to music. Stranger Things Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. They later work together in burning the Mind Flayer out of Will. Jonathan is inherently kind and caring, and his selflessness is easily one of his best traits. After Steve realized the consequences of his actions, he drove to the Byers home. Jonathan succeeds in finding his brother with the help of his mother, Nancy Wheeler, Will's friends, Jim Hopper, Eleven. It was then revealed Jonathan planned to attend community college so he can remain close to Will and his family instead of attending college with Nancy as he did not want to abandon them. When they discovered Mrs. Driscoll consuming fertilizer, this lead to them getting fired from the Post and straining their relationship, with Jonathan angry over losing his means to support his family and blaming Nancy for it, causing Nancy to accuse him of being like her tormentors. He even encouraged Will to not let his differences bother him and that it's okay to be different not matter what. He was an introvert and a loner until he got caught up in the strange things happening in Hawkins. When Steve climbed up to Nancys room and discovered Jonathan comforting Nancy, he took out his anger the next day by spray-painting slurs of Nancy and Jonathan on Hawkins movie theatre and walls. And by a month later, Jonathan was happy to start a relationship with Nancy. Jonathan and Steve initially had a strained relationship due to being polar opposites both in terms of popularity and personality. Later, El got arrested for assaulting Angela, Jonathan and Mike tried to get El out of prison before Agent Ellen Stinson informed them that she had been rescued from police custody and left with Dr. Sam Owens to regain her powers so she can help fight a new evil threatening Hawkins. Steve has made such a transformation into the unofficial mom of the group (particularly since most of the Hawkins moms and dads are absent from the action) that it only makes Jonathan's impotence as a character so much more glaring. However while rebuilding Hoppers cabin, Jonathan was worried for his relationship with Nancy due to her fondness with Steve and how he matured as a person. After the event, Jonathan moved out of Hawkins with his mother and brother. After creating a sensory deprivation tank at a Surfer Boy Pizza in Nevada, El temporarily defeats Vecna, and the crew returns to Hawkins. He's an outsider because of classism, not because of behavioral or social trouble. When investigating the Creel house, Steve mentioned to Nancy that they, Robin, and Jonathan should go out together once he returned to Hawkins. When Jonathan got a call from Nancy early the next day, he did not want to speak to Nancy at first, but Nancy informed him of the Mind Flayer's return due to Mrs. Driscoll being possessed and that Will could be in danger. Later, Jonathan got an idea to ask Argyle for his help in taking him, Mike, and Will across the country back to Indiana to find Eleven and save their friends in Hawkins. After reconciling with his mother, Nancy and Jonathan turned the Byers home into a booby trap to lure and kill the monster. When Nancy arrived and was shown the lewd picture, Steve rolled up a photo and tapped Jonathan on the head, saying that his creepiness was hardwired into him, and they needed to get rid of his toy, his camera. Text is available under the Creative Commons . Jonathan Byers, is a fictional character of Stranger Things. While his job is never stated in the series, the, Jonathan is a fan of Thumper from Disney's. He's very aware of others emotional state and how to offer the appropriate emotional response. Their writing has been featured in numerous magazines, literary journals, digital projects, educational media, websites, nonprofit materials and marketing campaigns. The boys spent Christmas Eve with their mother by eating dinner. RELATED: 10 Stranger Things Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Jonathan As A Character He also helped Jonathan and his younger siblings carpool to school since Jonathan's car broke down. In the fall of 1984, Jonathan struggled to both see the appeal in his mother's boyfriend, Bob Newby, and comfort his traumatized brother. Jonathan greeted Mike and introduced him to his new friend, Argyle. Status In 1985, Jonathan and Mike met again and worked together investigating the Flayed and attempting to stop the Mind Flayer. He's a responsible son and brother most of the time. Coupled with the fact that he's not a violent person, it makes no sense that he would attack Steve Harrington when the teen has some choice words about his involvement in his brother's disappearance. Jonathan Mitchell, pictured here walking in his Los Angeles neighborhood, is an autistic man who feels . When a possessed Will started to strangle Joyce, Jonathan tried to save his mother before she was saved when Nancy burnt Will. i'm normal about jonathan byers Autistic Stranger Things icons . While traveling, Jonathan takes notice of his brother Will struggling emotionally to show his feelings towards Mike. Jonathan is frazzled and emotional when Joyce believed she heard Will on the end of the phone, only for the phone to shock Joyce and become charred. Lenora Hills, California (1985 - present): Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a main character in Stranger Things. Unfortunately, this caused Steve to disown Tommy and Carol as his friends and to make amends with Jonathan and Nancy for their cruelty. And why are we are being led to believe that Jonathan is such a saint? Discover more posts about autistic jonathan byers. Despite Hopper's warning not to, Jonathan ditched school to confront his father, searching his car. When the plan appeared to not be working, Jonathan began turning off the radiators, much to Joyce's protest. However, Jonathan did not support his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as he did not understand what she saw in him. That evening, Jonathan brought out photos of Will to make wanted posters. RELATED: Stranger Things: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships. When meeting up with Mike, the two worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank so Eleven could use her powers to locate Will in the Upside Down. Jonathan chaperoned Will at the Snow Ball while he took photos for students. The way you described it is fine. Initially dismissing his mother's claims of something supernatural having claimed Will, Jonathan then realizes that she may not be delusional after all when Nancy Wheeler claims that her best friend Barbara Holland disappeared too; and saw man with no face at the site of her disappearance. | he/him | 18+ | autistic . After the pair smoked weed to de-stress, they returned to Rink-O-Mania to find an ambulance attending to Angela's broken nose, with Mike, Will, and El sitting glumly. Will pointed to his bandaged hand and asked if was alright, and Jonathan told him it was just a small cut, laughing that Will was concerned over something so silly. Sunni (@autisticjonathanbyers) on TikTok | 50 Likes. Affiliation I dont think he is. So I just finished watching stranger things and I'm kind of new to this subreddit so excuse me if this has already been discussed. However, he realizes his mother was telling the truth after his classmate, Nancy Wheeler, began claiming her best friend was also taken by said monster. lone-loba. This convinced Jonathan to work with Nancy and the kids on stopping the Mind Flayer. As parental as Jonathan seems to be, it would also make sense for him (not to mention his mom) to check on Will before going to bed at night. Jonathan may not have deserved to have his camera destroyed but he certainly deserved to have those pictures torn to shreds for violating the subjects' privacy. By the end of season three, when Jonathan's finally remembered he has a brother and he might need to check on him now that the creature who once possessed his body is back and creating his own . Not only does he have the experience to know his dad won't be of any help, but Hopper's power as the chief of police would be much more compelling to get a man like Lonnie to talk. Jonathan hated the way Tom and his co-workers were treating his girlfriend, but he didn't do anything about it as he feared it get him fired as Jonathan wanted to help support his family. We are privy to several moments they share together, indicating their brotherly bond. Will Byers (brother)Joyce Byers (mother)Lonnie Byers (father)Darlene (great-aunt)Eleven (foster sister) 109 Fans. The next morning, Jonathan decided to escape from the agents guarding him, Will, and Mike by hailing a ride from Argyle. Jonathan then rescued him and Robin by having them get into Nancys car as the Mind Flayer began to chase them. Once the Mind Flayer's plot was unraveled, Jonathan and Nancy worked together in protecting the children from the Mind Flayer's avatar until its defeat. Eye color She wiped the lipstick of his cheek and doesnt seem to mind that Nancy spent the night with him. Argyle told him he shouldn't have lied to her, and soon caused the both of them to become overwhelmed and smoke "Purple Palm Tree Delight". Steve later rescued Jonathan and the others by crashing into Billys car before he could collide into them. The disappearance of a young boy sparks a chain of events leading the residents of the small town of Hawkins to uncover a government conspiracy and a supernatural mystery which will not only shatter all semblance of normality, but also threaten their very existence. When you capture the right moment, it says more. When Joyce discovered that Lonnie only returned to Hawkins to get lawsuit money off of Will's death, Lonnie lied by saying they could use the money for Jonathan's college fund, only to reveal that he didn't even know that Jonathan wanted to go to NYU since he was six. Will defended Bob, saying that he didn't treat him different than everyone else, noting how lame it was he couldn't go trick-or-treating alone. He is known for starring as Jonathan Byers in the Netflix science fiction horror series, Stranger Things (2016). Will, through his tears, told him he would always be there for him, and Jonathan said he knew he would. Jonathan was not treated with disdain by Tom or any of his other co-workers as they focused their bullying on Nancy for being the only female journalist at the Post. The brothers are very close, and you would think that they would have some sort of routine in the morning. Yes, Jonathan was heroic in both seasons. Using a bat with nails hammered into it, Steve assisted in getting the creature inside a bear trap and letting Jonathan set the creature on fire. Eight months later, in 1986, Steves feelings for Nancy began to reignite after Jonathan had moved with his family to Lenora Hills, California, but restrained himself out of respect for Jonathan. With the help of Jonathan's former bully and Nancy's boyfriend, Steve Harrington, the trio lit the monster on fire until is vanished. Nancy Wheeler (girlfriend)Argyle (best friend)Steve Harrington (former enemy, friend)Mike Wheeler (friend)Lucas Sinclair (friend)Dustin Henderson (friend)Max Mayfield (friend)Robin Buckley (friend)Jim Hopper (friend)Bob Newby (friend)Murray Bauman (friend)Tommy Hagan (enemy)Carol Perkins (enemy)Tom Holloway (former boss, enemy)Bruce Lowe (former co-worker, enemy)Agent Harmon (protector)Agent Wallace (protector) Reply melecke Additional comment actions I don't think he is. I don't think so, photography is more of just his interest rather than a special one. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Jonathan has desired to attend New York University (NYU) since he was six years old, though he has dropped this dream by 1986 since he's been accepted into Lenora Hills Community College. I, like, really miss it. Beginning his career as a musician, Heaton appeared on British television before starring in Stranger Things and feature films like the 2016 indie thriller Shut In; he has since starred in . Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Jonathan has shown to be very aware of others' feelings and showed genuine empathy towards his mother, Nancy, and especially Will. This was our first red flag about Jonathan Byers, and despite the way he's made out to be this brooding, quiet artist who is misunderstood and cute, we can't ignore that he's really terrible at respecting people's privacy. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: Log in Sign up. The day afterward, Jonathan and Joyce looked all through the woods for Will. Jonathan is the son of Joyce Byers, and the brother of Will Byers, who goes missing in Hawkins, Indiana. He has a strong bond with his family and is implied to have a soft spot for animals, as he cried for a week after his tenth birthday when his father forced him to kill a rabbit on a hunting trip. His smoking of weed stemmed from his strained long-distance relationship with Nancy, as they both originally planned to attend Emerson College in Massachusetts. Will's disappearance made Jonathan guilt-ridden for not being there and would soon take a toll on his relationship with his mother, who insisted Will was trapped in the walls and taken by a monster with no face. Brown After that, Jonathan and Argyle worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank at Surfer Boy Pizza so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna from Nevada where the two kept watch over her, along with helping her as she fought Vecna. So why didn't he even notice that Will wasn't up and getting ready for school? Jonathan Byers || I'm not like everybody else 153,381 views Aug 9, 2017 8.2K Dislike Share Shainira 36.5K subscribers Listen, don't take it so personally, okay? British actor Charlie Heaton plays awkward teenager Jonathan Byers in Netflix's Stranger Things. In the spring of 1986, as Jonathan dealt with the stress of college and continuing his long-distance relationship with Nancy, he revealed that breaking up with Nancy would be the best option since if things kept going further, he and Nancy would end up like Joyce and Lonnie, showing that he continued to fear becoming like his father. RELATED: 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer. It also, however, makes no sense that they would just drop everything while in the middle of a work day to investigate and not go after work hours instead. Press J to jump to the feed. He even had some manual skills at a rather young age already. Jonathan found Will struggling to hammer funny, and the two continued to built the fort even after it began raining and got sick afterwards. However, Jonathan helped Nancy investigate Mrs. Driscoll's story about "diseased rats." While it does make sense that Jonathan feared losing his job, that did he. Jonathan brought out photos of Will to not be working, Jonathan to..., much to Joyce 's protest by crashing into Billys car before he could collide them! & 5 worst Relationships Byers home into a booby trap to lure kill. For Nancy Wheeler bag away, reviewing the photos is the son of Joyce Byers, an. However, Jonathan was happy to start a relationship with Nancy the next morning, Jonathan Joyce... Photography is more of just his interest rather than a special one together, indicating their bond... ; s probably how much he genuinely loves and contributes to his new friend Argyle. 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