Activate one of the components/part file in the assembly where the feature appears Create a sketch on the active part file. I wish I could mark all of your posts as solutions because I essentially used elements of each to get my new file. If you want to edit with Inventor, then use a simplified assembly (=.ipt) file with the link to assembly broken. There are many other application options that have similarconsequences! You can now save and close your template file. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. I know that we as person/generation are asking every time more, but on the other hand the software resellers promise us also more every time! If you just Save As to STL format, what do you get? This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. Use the Simplify command to reduce the content within an assembly by removing components, features, and output a simplified part file. It seems that we have two different issues here. Click the measure diagonal bounding box button, Click the selection priority you want to use. Enter a meaningful name for the new part file. Or ifyou like something that was saidand it was helpful, Kudosare appreciated. 20. In the Derived Part dialog box, model elements are displayed in a hierarchy. For PDM workflow purpose, I suggest the files to be prompted to save, so that the Vault always has the latest and greatest version of the files. Report 0 Likes Reply 6 REPLIES Message 2 of 7 jhackney1972 As a side note, the derive functionality is also used for mirrored parts, substitute Level of Detail parts and simplified parts. Save assembly (and all parts involved) to specific location using API. For a Vault environment this is called a Dirty Maker and is frustrating enough to update everytime. I'm open to suggestions for doing this another way, I just need a way to create an exploded view from components already in place but in separate assemblies. It seems that the most logical way to approach this would be to use promote and demote. Use the Simplify command to reduce the content within an assembly by removing components, features, and output a simplified part file. Parts can terminate on the face of another component. By doing this we have reduced a lot of our Vault/Inventor related issues. Usually, you set this option once as a workflow preference. Check you have setting properly set "Update physical properties on save (Parts and Assemblies)" Create the new empty assembly and save it. Check you have setting properly set "Update physical properties on save (Parts and Assemblies)". Parts created in place (in an assembly context) can be: You select the default BOM Structure for the in-place component. I forgot to mention a couple things which was rather stupid, because they are important details. If you prefer, you can make the constraint adaptive by setting an option on the Assembly tab of the Application Options dialog box. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. Use the From To or To extents options for Extruded features. From there you refine the parameters that define the simplified model. Creates a derived part as a single surface composite which retains the appearance of the original components. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Because this mechanism is written in more than only one "Object" before it is displayed as "Mass" this is not always saved correctly within the assembly. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. Accept the default or use the Status buttons at the top to change the status of all selected objects quickly. You can save the assembly as a part, and then it's much easy to deal with in your assembly. Is it possible to convert an assembly into a parts file? Virtual components are considered and treated as real components for all practical purposes. Whenever a part geometry is changed, the mass will need to be recomputed. Welcome to Autodesks Inventor Forums. I can upload the .stl version if you would need that. Click the Associative option to link the simplified model to the design view. An assembly drawing will show the parts assembled and any subsequent modifications that would need to be made AFTER the parts are assembled. In Solidworks, when I open it, all the parts are solids, when I save it as a part, it remains a solid? The mass need to be recomputed. This in Inventor world is called "Demoting". Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. Doing this will execute the StepExport rule and export the step file to the SavePath folder. Changes in position view can affect the envelope size. There's little point in having lots of functionality if it doesn't give value. I need to search again for it but I am sure the mass is first written internally to the assembly and the part before it is written to the Physical Property, and there it goes wrong. I managed to solve this problem with iLogic: Taking iLogic solution into the account, I came to few reasons why this happens: I hope I explained it understandable. Go to Solution. Select or hover over "File" then select "Save As." Add Tip Ask Question Download Step 20: Save Assembly Welcome to Autodesks Inventor Forums. Can you post some screen shots of what you see? Ask the community or share your knowledge. I have been trying the Document.SaveAs function with the SaveCopyFlag as both True, and False but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Can't find what you're looking for? Later the parts are updated. No problem about prompting to save, it is OK with us. The elements under the Solid Bodies or Surface Bodies folders. Do not sell or share my personal information, Activate one of the components/part file in the assembly where the feature appears. Ask the community or share your knowledge. The bounding box updates to reflect changes in the derived component or in the base component. Go to Tools -> App Options -> Save -> "Mass Prop Update", "Implicit Update", or "Recomputable Update" -> set it to Yes. Then I simply promoted the components I needed. Solved by jmdnq9. It's just what you're after, I think. You can make the new part associative to the parent part. Privacy | Do not sell or share my personal information | Cookie preferences | Report noncompliance | Terms of use| 2023 Autodesk Inc. All rights reserved, Factory Design Suite 2016, Inventor 2016, & Product Design Suite 2016. Do not sell or share my personal information. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. Solved by jjstr8. To my opinion it should either work in Inventor and In an environment with Vault to. Can't find what you're looking for? Position. Inventor iLogic, API & VBA Forum I tried using pack and go on an assembly. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Is this possible? Is there a way I can override that so the parts wont be updated? Creating an in-place part has the same result as inserting a previously created part file. In Inventor - start a new Part file, go Insert-->Import. I hope this helps.Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,Curtis, Forum links:Inventor iLogic , API and Customization Forum|Inventor Ideas Forum |General Inventor Forum. Excludes element in the derived part. Also, any assembly consuming the part will have N/A. All other situations are more or less not that critical. Perhaps you need a dwf or pdf representation. Four built-in presets are provided, plus you can create your own. Go to Solution. An active selector has a blue highlight at the bottom of the control. Lets say you have found a cad file on google somewhere that you want to be using in your modell, lets say it is an assembly, and you want it to save as a file without connection to anyfiles, if you save it as step or as simplyfy parts even with braket link you still need the whole assembly to drag arround in order to open a single part, and if you want to move it to another map you need to drag all the assemblies part, what i do now i make simple part and then save as STL file in order to completely delite link to the assembly out of this world. This is very helpful when for example, dealing with printed circuit board assemblies. Items marked with this symbol are ignored in updates to the derived part. Adaptive (controlled by relationships to other assembly components). Hi! Because both of the files are dirtied, save dialog will pop up, save them both. I've only been using Inventor for a few months but have rapidly grown to like it. .Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor iLogic, API & VBA topics related to programming, creating add-ins, macros, working with the API or creating iLogic tools. I can loop through all the referenced documents and save them to the same directory as the .iam file, but when I save the actual .iam it still saves a copy of everything to the Documents/Inventor. All the components must be at the same level within a single parent assembly. Selects component for inclusion in the derived part. When I open it in Inventor,all the parts in the assembly are solids. If the base part contains multiple visible solid bodies, select the required bodies to create a multi-body part. A geometric constraint is applied (by default) between the selected face and the face created from the new sketch. See step 7 below. Ask the community or share your knowledge. I guess this is logical, in this situation we have 2 ways to go, first one is do not change anything, second one is, if we have to change, we would have to change the part and all files which this part is referenced to, which can be a lot of work and inefficient. In the Open dialog box, browse to the part file (IPT) to use as the base part or component (not available in Inventor LT), and click Open. I know from the title it might look like I just want to create a subassembly from parts already in an assembly, but it's a little more complicated than that. The iProperties command is available for in-place editing of an assembly as well as in-place editing of a part. Additionally, some of the parts I need to do this with are design accelerator parts. I need to dig deep again to find the reason again since it was already addressed in 2011 with the release of Inventor 2012. Follow the dialog window to set various options depending on your downstream needs. Now all that is left to do is save it, which you already know how to do but just in case. Hope you understand the issue here and maybe it is more or less only needed when using Vault and released files. What I have is one major assembly, consisting of a collection of parts as well as some subassemblies. The virtual component is a component that requires no modeling of geometry and no file. This option works, but only if you save it few times (at least 2), BUT if any sub-model is changed after top assembly is released, it will always need to update for the new mass, except if you "quick change" whole structure from changed part and above, which can be really time consuming and not effective. I have never done this and I have to say that I don't remember seeing this question posted here before. Convert an Inventor Assembly to a single part. If you're starting with a STEP file then you should be able importit as a part file rather than an assembly. Click Tools > Options > System Options > Assemblies and select or clear Save new components to external files. A derived assembly may be a scaled, mirrored, or simplified version of the original. Then I demote or drag and drop the components from subassembly_A into subassembly_C, then drag and drop the components from subassembly_B into subassembly_C. At least one component must have an Include status. Place multiple parts into assembly. Changes in a model state affect the envelope size. Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. Then I click the Save button while in the top level assembly and set subassembly_A and subassembly_B so that they will not save. You can create a part or assembly while working in an existing assembly. SolidWork Newbie since 2001-Currently using SW2017 Inventor Newbie since 2019 Will this have any affect on saving as a new subassembly? A simple save as part would be great for what's needed! ____________________________________________________________. only found the ipn files. There is only one BOM per assembly. Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. To get the assembly feature in a part file do the following. Thanks!!!! Creates a derived part with a single surface body. Privacy | Do not sell or share my personal information | Cookie preferences | Report noncompliance | Terms of use| 2023 Autodesk Inc. All rights reserved. #Autodesk Inventor Quick Tip: Simplify assembly to a single part More information about creating simplified part in: To Combine Components into Simplified Part Items marked with this symbol are ignored in updates to the derived part. Change the part a bit so it gets dirtied (also assembly will get dirtied). The active design view displays. I can't find the command. This option allows the part to resize or change position if the constraining parameters or components change. I'm going from memory on this process, so you might need to run through cautiously the first time to see if I've forgotten something. Besides. Change the part a bit so it gets dirtied (also assembly will get dirtied). Creates a single solid body derived part with seams between planar faces. After you select the components, click Accept Selection. This is the default option. Update physical properties on save (Parts and Assemblies) setting does not work properly. The new part can change size when constrained to fixed geometry in the assembly. file you have exported from AutoCAD. I'm Inventor has a similar feature. It seems update on physical properties on save (Parts and Assemblies) setting does not work properly. Go to Solution. If required, select the check box to mirror the derived part feature from the base part. Disabled components remain included, however. I think you are correct on that one. In principle every feature; Option and tool that is available in Inventor should work with no problem in a Vault Environmenttoo. To edit the simplified substitute: To translate this article, select a language. Component position contributes to defining the envelope size. Create the new empty assembly and save it. If the Update Physical Properties on Save options is turned on, the affected files should be prompted to save. What I can remember is that the Mass property shown is stored on two different places internally and there sometimes it goes wrong. You also can click a status icon next to an individual object and toggle the status options. They are prompted to save, you can even see in above pictures, but TOP assembly does not compute the mass first time, it does on second save (when save dialog is not shown). This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. It was also set the same in example above. Go to Solution. Go to Solution. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. The relationships between the leftover parts would be retained, though you may need to apply new relationships if certain parts were held together by removed parts. Then, I have to fix all the references. As you select options, other options that are invalid are hidden. Accept the default scale factor of 1.0 or enter any positive number. As we all know, geometry is all stored in individual ipt files and it is where the mass is computed based on the geometry. Now it works just fine. To begin, create a part file. If unchecked, the appearance is set to default appearance of the target part. From there you refine the parameters that define the simplified model. Ask the community or share your knowledge. Solution: Check one of the following: Option 1 Open Assembly file. For here internal we have written an add in that will the normal user not allow to change some application options and we have given only the Admin the rights for this. This is the default option. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. You now have a part file that is a dependent copy of an assembly file. Go to Solution. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. If you save twice, it works. I then close the top level assembly (without saving changes) and reopen it. The part renaming follows this pattern: "Part[sequence number]:[instance number]" which yields "Part1:1", "Part2:1", and so on. To translate this article, select a language. This sounds like a data management issue. Any CAD program can be used to edit a solid body. I hope that the development team is aware! This option works, but only if you save it few times (at least 2), BUT if any sub-model is changed after top assembly is released, it will always need to update for the new mass, except if you "quick change" whole structure from changed part and above, which can be really tiem consuming and not effective. Regards, Igor. If you can't get the result you expect, attach the STEP file here for others to have a look at if that's allowable. The .Save2 will save without a confirmation prompt, unlike .Save. Click the selection priority you want to use. Descibe the final use of your "a solid body where I can't change anything". Recommendation: Position and mate at least one of the components before you begin, then select that component first. If the subtracted component intersects with the part, the result is a cavity. If you must relocate the part later, you can delete the constraint. If all you want is a dumb solid (not editable one after the translation), >a dumb solid (not editable one after the translation), You are such a great educator JD, it is unbelievable! Save assembly (and all parts involved) to specific location using API I'm possibly having a basic misunderstanding of how to correctly save an Inventor file with the API. BOM Structure has five basic options: Normal, Phantom, Reference, Purchased, and Inseparable. Solved by SEC_CAD. This is not correct. You can create a derived part using a part, assembly (not in LT), sheet metal part, or weldment. Use command manageriLogic command to update mass (synchronous - important, otherwise it does not work!). To translate this article, select a language. You could use the copy tool in the assembly environment. For example, an occurrence that is invisible is set to Exclude. Can't find what you're looking for? They can resize or reposition relative to other components as necessary. I don't want to post any files here from my actual project. A derived assembly may be a scaled, mirrored, or simplified version of the original. If you save the assembly again (without save dialog for multiple files), it will update the mass with no problem. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. In Solidworks, there is an option to save an assembly as a part. whole assembly will be saved as a single part. If desired, turn off the Show All Objects check box to display only exported elements in the list. If a sketch is active when you create the part, click Return to close the sketch. If a sketch is active when you create the part, click Return to close the sketch. Check out the derived part tool. Hello all. Software installation, registration & licensing part resides with the assembly file > Export > CAD format save. Ask the community or share your knowledge. Report 1 Like Reply Message 3 of 7 cwhetten in reply to: JavaLodge Is it possible to save an assembly and all dependant parts to one single new location ? Ask the community or share your knowledge. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. Open the destination assembly, expand the Model States folder, right-click the Substitutes folder, expand New Substitute, click Select Part File, and browse to the part file on disk. It is because the feature recipes and the parameters are already captured (saved), the mass prop can be evaluated when the geometry becomes up-to-date. If the App options is not turned on, the mass of such part will show N/A. I wrote a post about it which you can find here: Please coem back with any questions once you've examined the options! 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