The Food Truck Scholar Podcast

Where food, business, and stories collide.
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Meet your host, Dr. Ariel D. Smith!

Dr. Ariel D. Smith is the founder of The Food Truck Scholar and the host of its podcast of the same name. Dr. Smith’s research examines the role of the food truck industry in American Culture and African American entrepreneurs’ experiences and involvement in the mobile food industry specifically.

After meeting so many incredible food truckers from all backgrounds who do not have a platform to share their stories and connect with others, Dr. Smith saw an opportunity to be a part of the solution.

Dr. Ariel D. Smith
The Food Truck Scholar Podcast cover art

Since the launch of the brand and podcast in June 2018 and March 2019 respectively, Dr. Smith has been invited across the United States and internationally meeting food truckers, serving as an expert panelist and contributor, presenting at institutions, summits, conferences, and expos regarding the expansion of the food truck industry and its people that we have come to know and love.

Dr. Smith’s main mission through The Food Truck Scholar is to amplify food truck stories that are often unheard, educate on current trends, and inspire anyone to pursue their passions- whether food truck related or not.

Sounds Waves